Stray Puppies

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When Eddie kissed me, it was so different from the anxious boy who stumbled over his compliments. This man was confident, full of assurances and bold moves. Another confusing piece of the puzzle that was Eddie Munson.

"I wish I could give you hickeys," he whispered, close to my lips. He kissed me again, making me melt under him. I wish he could too. New Margot was a bitch. I laced my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as he kissed me harder. Old Margot was right – Eddie was the perfect choice for our first kiss.

"Oh my god, Jason – they're in there making out!"

Chrissy always had a problem with volume control – it was something I often teased her about when she thought she was whispering. This was one of those moments. I felt my stomach drop and pulled away from him for a moment. I tried glancing over his shoulders, but he caught my chin and guided me back to him.

"Stay with me. I've got you," he insisted. I felt my stomach flip and nodded at him. He smiled and pressed his lips to mine.

"Holy shit – who do you think it is?" Jason asked.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to tune them out. I needed to stay with Eddie. He had me.

"Probably a burnout goth chick – I bet she's one of those spooky ones that hang out under the bleachers," Chrissy answered. Stay with Eddie. He had me.

"Margot's going to get a kick out of this," Jason joked. I felt my stomach drop. Why would they think that?

"She's so weird about him, right?" Chrissy asked, in her attempted whisper. Shit. Did she know? Eddie started littering my jaw with kisses and I felt my brain tugging between listening to my friends or letting myself be consumed by Eddie.

"You don't think she...likes him, do you?" Jason asked. Why were they still here? I tried to will them away with my thoughts.

"As if – he's like a stray puppy. Margot's just nice," Chrissy insisted, laughing. Eddie stopped kissing me, looking away. He looked hurt.


I was stupid for thinking this was anything. Margot looked up at me, her eyes soft and sad as I watched her. She was so beautiful. And what was I? A dork. A loser. Even when Margot was Old Margot, I know that she was still beautiful and still entrancing. Her worst day was still a million times better than my best day.

Jason and Chrissy finally left – I was still so frustrated by them, feeling like a zoo animal they were leering at. I moved off her, sitting back on the mattress and crossing my legs. I looked down at my lap, feeling smaller than ever.


"Don't, Go," I interrupted. I stared at my hands. I was such an idiot. I was surprised when she took my hands in hers, her touch soft and gentle. I looked up at her, my heart clenching at her famous smile.

"Stay with me. I've got you," she said quietly, echoing my own words back to me.

I smiled in spite of myself, and my stomach flipped when she scooted close to me, our hands still laced together. She wrapped my arms around her, tucking herself under my arm and close to my chest. I took her scent in, still unbelieving what had happened over the last forty-eight hours.

"You're not a stray puppy," she whispered, tracing my chest. I felt my heart clench and part of me wanted to almost cry. I was so stupid for thinking this could be anything.

"Maybe not a stray puppy, but definitely too lame to be with someone like you," I quipped, trying to mask my hurt.

"You're not lame, Eddie – you are so yourself, in the best way," she replied. I shook my head.

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