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A month of sneaking around with Eddie Munson, and I was still just as fluttery as I was when I decided I had wanted to kiss him by the pool at my party.

I had struck the balance between sneaking around and spending time with my friends, leaving Wednesday nights open for Dynasty and leaving lunch early to "study" to avoid suspicion. Parties had become my favorite thing on the weekend – I would go to a party one of my friends were hosting, and Eddie and I would pick a time for him to come pick me up early. I would say goodbye to my friends and then run out to Shelob, meeting my favorite metalhead for late night escapades.

Tonight was one of these nights, but I was extra antsy to leave since Eddie had told me he had something special planned for us. I sat off to the side of my group of friends that were talking, pretending to listen as I watched the clock. Jason came over to me with shots in his hands.

"For you, Mar-got!" he said, handing me one and grinning at me. I nodded and took it, throwing it back quickly. I handed the small glass back to him and smiled at him. He placed an arm around my shoulder. "You're not leaving early tonight, are you?"

I flushed and felt my stomach drop. Eddie and I had made sure to pick different times each time to avoid suspicion, and I thought I had been successful. I shrugged and played it cool.

"I don't know – maybe!" I replied. He frowned at me.

"I feel like we never see you anymore, Margot. Did we do something wrong?" he asked, worried. I felt guilty and shook my head.

"Oh, my gosh, Jace – no! Why would you think that?" I replied, pulling him in for a hug.

"I don't know – I just feel like you're always on your way out the door with us lately," he said. He shrugged. "I guess part of it is me and Chrissy getting used to being in a relationship."

I nodded, wanting him to lean into that explanation.

"You have to prioritize her, Jace – and I want you to!" I insisted. The start of Jason and Chrissy's relationship had been fortuitous. Chrissy was so excited about filling me in on every detail of what was going on that she was too distracted to notice when I stopped talking to her about crushes or when I was not always available. Jason was more shrewd and harder to throw off.

Jason smiled at me and nodded, pulling me in for another hug. I glanced at the clock and felt a secret thrill when I saw the time – 9:45. Time for me to go. I pulled back and smiled at him.

"I know you were just complaining about this, but I have to go – I'm getting up early with my parents tomorrow. Give Chrissy my love?" I asked. He smiled and nodded, seemingly understanding. I skipped out of the party, trying to play it cool.

I started down the sidewalk, glancing around and looking for a van. I grinned when I saw one heading towards me, slowing to a stop. Eddie rolled the window down and leaned out of it.

"Hey, pretty lady – I hope you're not walking home by yourself," he said, starting our bit. I sauntered up to him and set my hands on the window.

"I'm a big girl – I can handle it," I quipped. He sucked air in between his teeth and shook his head.

"I'm not arguing that, I just think that a girl as lovely as you should be treated like a princess and never have to walk anywhere," he said, setting a hand on top of mine. I laughed and shook my head.

"Don't worry – my boyfriend is plenty good enough to me," I replied. I suddenly felt the color drain from my face and my throat start to close up. What did I just say? Holy shit. What did I just say?

Eddie's cool demeanor broke and his face split into a goofy grin. I felt my stomach drop.

"Your boyfriend?" he asked, his voice cracking. I shook my head.

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