two. arrival

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[ chapter two ]

ARWANI's body was tense

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ARWANI's body was tense. She had stood a few feet behind her cousin, Aonug with his friend, Rotxo. Just silently peering at the family before them seeking refuge to stay at their village. Her stomach was feeling fuzzy and her chest swelled up, bearing a heavy feeling as she tried to ignored it.

The sun was out and bright, grazing her teal skin and making the gray in her eyes pop in a more lighter shade. Her hair— long, wavy and dark. With random pieces of her hair braided with self-made bead chains, just to add a pop of colour to her style.

The girl tried to blend in with the rest of the clan that surrended them— not really ready to reveal herself as someone who had tried to drown one of them.

She's not looking forward to having to adjust to hostile circumstances if she admits so— but certainly if they've come so far, they must be hiding from something. So, what is it that they're hiding from? What is the danger?

Arwani took a moment of thought, she then felt a presence linger besides so she looks down to her sister, Wira. Who then squeezes her way to Arwani's side— the elder just patting the younger's shoulder in a comforting manner.

" But you are forest people, your skills would be useless here. " The chief stated. To which the head of the family answered, " We'll learn your ways. Isn't that right? "

He looked back to his mate, to which she agreed with a nod— honestly, Arwani was anticipating for them to do so.

A lot of thoughts came to the girl, ignoring Ronal's cries of these children not being true Na'vi and having demon blood running in their blood to which let out a lot of exasperated gasps and the start of whispering from the circled crowd. Arwani couldn't care less.

But the girl was eager to ask something if they let them stay— will their danger be brought upon her clan?

Arwani wasn't the chief of the village, rest assured she wouldn't be determining if they get to stay or not. Regardless of if they do, Arwani needed to know— she'd at least be slightly prepared in case of anything, she doesn't like not knowing things.

So, if they did bring their danger to them— at least her attempts of almost drowning one of them would be excused a little. Although the girl was scared, she needed to apologize. Because again, she's too tired in the meantime to adjust to hostile circumstances.

" Toruk Makto and his family would stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. " Her uncle glanced towards his two and then to his people. " They do not know the sea, they'll be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless. "

𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 ( the way of water )Where stories live. Discover now