fourteen. spirit sister

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[ chapter fourteen ]

ARWANI SWAM down into the deeper depths of the water where her spirit sister waited for her— much further from their clan as the two beings ( typical her spirit sister ) weren't naturally fond of noisy crowds

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ARWANI SWAM down into the deeper depths of the water where her spirit sister waited for her— much further from their clan as the two beings ( typical her spirit sister ) weren't naturally fond of noisy crowds. Arwani could still handle it, meanwhile Esha didn't.

A small smile rested on her features, her dark teal skin matching the waters and before she could sign to Esha, the talking beat her to it— she sounded, and Arwani could understand what she was saying. You seem happier, what's change?

I met a dear person. Arwani's hand gracefully falls down to lays it on Esha's fin. How are you my sister?

Esha begans to then swim to the surface, a bit further from the rest of the clan. The tulkun blinked, it's beauty and majestic nature never went unnoticed by the girl, she truly adored them.

Still alive, sometimes it's a wonder how a tulkun could be so sarcastic with their answers but there Esha existed. Can't say the same about you, sister. You look happy but the sounds of your heart tell me otherwise.

But you had said that I seemed happy?

You seem happy, sister. Seem.

A tulkun's intelligence is far more deeper than most na'vi, maybe that's why Arwani admired them. No, prefer not to tell.

You're avoidance will be the end of everyone.

How helpful. Arwani floated to surfaced, she now sat on Esha's fin whilst the whale could be seen blinked shut for a second— possibly the equivalent to rolling eyes.

It is true, Arwani stared blankly at Esha's eye. From the tulkun's view, the girl must have not looked that impressed with the sudden need of giving advice. What argument did you have with your mother?

And that questioned seemed to make the girl stiff, her gaze shifting to her sides and head turned to look over her shoulder. As if it was an effort of avoidment— but in the end, Arwani released a sigh of defeat, looking down into the waters before her spirit sister's eye. " I don't know what's wrong with me. "

She says but signs at the same time. A mellow hint washing over her grey eyes, but then went bright again. " But it will be fine. I know that, I have accepted it. "

Well, I'll be having a brother soon. My mother is pregnant you know.

That's wonderful news, Arwani brightly smiled. Anything else?

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