nineteen. forgiving

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[ chapter nineteen ]


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It was a few days after the scolding of her uncle, had they all had a hearing all right.  Thankfully, Arwani and her sister, Wira was out of it. So was Kiri and Tuk.

And right after the two spent their day hunting, Arwani taught him proper ways to spear a fish from long distance. With downwarded smiles and holding bellies from laughter.

" Not really. Why do you find it complex?" The Omaticayan boy queried softly, as intimidating as his height can get to some people, he was a gentle person.

The older exhaled shortly with a shrug, the teens sitting on rock this time, near the coast of the village. Both drenched as they sat calmly underneath the soft grumbling clouds- sitting closely embrace in the warmth of each other's presence unfazed by the pebbling rain.

Neteyam had gotten used to being drenched by now, and the same was said for Arwani as well.

" Oh, you know that I'm not talking about accidentally getting things spilled at you then forgiving the person who apologized. " She takes a deep breath, " More like situations where you have to forgive because there's no other way to it "

" I find that simple rather than complex. Why do you? " The boy calmly asked.

" I don't know- it's tough don't you think? " Suddenly a knowing look on his face appeared, and Arwani sighed. His head began to lay on her shoulder, shooting another perked brow at her.

" Zei'ro apologized to me the other day and I don't know how to feel. My guess is I should take a while before forgiving him but what he did to me was really mean."

Mean? Neteyam pondered as he listens. The girl using such a word was almost childish but then it stuck to him. That maybe the Arwani now would've forgiven the bully but to her child's self— she would've found it a little unfair. " You can do it at your own pace. "

" I know, it's just - . . . . " She succumbs to silence, they both do. However, it was alright. " It feels like forgiving a situation now— forced. Like you have to. "

" What's so wrong about it though? " Implying the value that only healing will help move on with life— healing is a natural way of life whether it was brutal or soft, it was natural. Forgiving was another form of healing, Arwani understood what he meant.

He had to forgive his own situations, and that made Arwani partially snap out of it.

" I'll make up my mind. " She suggested to him, and she could already feel the same on his face. Charming, sweet and contentful. Feeling his braids suddenly move past and his face nuzzles to the side of her head, settling there.

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