eighteen. troubles

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[ chapter eighteen ]


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" Says the smartass who 'accidentally ' stabbed themselves, when really, it's just the lack of skill. " The girl retorted back to her life-long bully- however she wouldn't put it as that more so life long nemesis because she does fight back, every time.

And has faced some disciplinary action from her people at some point. She used to think that she was right, always did she thought. With age and maturity, she realized that she was still interested the wrong.

Violence wouldn't die down with violence, only peace could do that.

And younger her didn't believe that, proper justice brought the peace never the violence. Still, what is her definition of justice? Busting someone's lip when she was 13 once?

Zei'ro didn't appreciate her lack of expressionexpression or care, calm and serene her posture and facial features. Her breathing steady yet somehow stern, perhaps she's experiencing negative emotions.

" Did I revolt you that much? "

" Very. " She shortly replied, as she continued to find the leaves to wrapped his wound. " You act like you're not guilty yourself. "

" Oh, I'm very well aware I am. It's just me regretting I didn't take a more calculated approach to utterly humiliate and possibly banish you. Trust me, I had started a bunch of plans after each time you pissed me off yet never went on with them. Why? "

" Each time I realized, you weren't that relevant. " She steps closer then purposely slaps the leaf on his wounds making his squeak.

Arwani stared at him with a disgusted face, " You're tolerance is weaker than my sister's. "

He stays quiet, as if he was planning to say something. Arwani didn't want to encourage that.

" Whatever bullshit you have to say, keep it shut. " He rolled his eyes, Arwani looked at him with judgeful eyes. He goes silent again, then sighing, then finally announcing his mind.

" I'm sorry. "

" For what, your existence? You should do an apology better than that. " He was quick to jumped.

" What's it with you? I'm just figuring out that we're getting older and maybe we should be civil and end these enemies things- end the war. "

Just now figuring that out?

" But the scars of this war remained. " She voice turned stern. Her grey eyes turned bloodshot, prickling with angry tears so similar of fallen angels. " I had done nothing! "

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