eight. from a distance

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[ chapter eight ]

" YOU SAID you'll bring me somewhere special, " Arwani glanced over her shoulder,

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" YOU SAID you'll bring me somewhere special, " Arwani glanced over her shoulder,

" What else were you thinking? "

" I thought of a secret cove or your hideout where you make rituals and curse people because you're weird- but I guess mangroove trees will do." Neteyam said, both sat on one of the highest roots of the giant mangroves— above the Mauri pods, specifically Zei'ro's pod with his equally horrid parents Arwani dislikes. " Quit talking, we have a mission. "

" And what is that? Spying on boys? " He queried, with a look his face. A pang of sudden jealousy blossoming in his heart— the Omaticaya boy had to remind himself for a moment to get it together. It's not like she likes him or he likes her, it's just fuzzily stomach churning weird he feels for her to seek him in help with a boy. " Specifically, the one who tried to start with you? "

" Exactly, I want to make him slightly suffer until I'm satisfied, " Arwani absently says, a finger reaching up to his lips to shut him out bit that made a reactive response from him. " Did you date him or something? "

" EW!- Neteyam- , " She then started to fake gagged, making disgusting noise and clutched a hand to her chest in shock.

" Listen, " Arwani turned her upper body to face him while her legs dangled down. Neteyam sitting crisscrossed on the large enough root and leaning back on the tree, with a lazy expression raised to know he's listening all for the girl in front of him. " we hate him. "

" We hate him? " He repeated back in question, " Why? "

" For very good reasons, " She shortly answered.

" Which is? " He elongated his words, extending them with an anticipated look.

" For one, he bullied me and got it away with it for most of my childhood and now, I just figure out— he's getting brave with your sister. " Neteyam's expression twisted, Arwani caught it and waved it off knowing what he was thinking.

" Forget it, he doesn't bully me now but your sister might be his next target. " Neteyam frowned. " I'll talk to him, what's his name? "

" Rookie mistake " She swatted the side of his head in a gentle manner, Neteyam didn't fliched further buy kept his yellow bright eyes on her. " He has wits and awfully is quick with words. He'll hit a spot that you didn't know was vulnerable- I'll not let you go near Zei'ro. "

" So we're spying on his house from a distance? " He sum up her plan, frankly was starting to see it.

" Yes but you know what, let's forget it. I'm realizing how stupid this is. What should we do? Any ideas? " Her now tattooed hands feel to her lap, with intricate designs and motives derived from healing herbs and the ocean reaching to her forearms.

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