fifteen. boy with suns for eyes

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[ chapter fifteen ]

" AGAIN? " she sounded skeptical

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" AGAIN? " she sounded skeptical. Neteyam behind her back, his slender fingers gently running across her teal skin to correct the slight errors within her posture.

He replied into her ear in a relaxed lazy tone, " I figured it be fun to teach you archery again, you didn't exactly hit the center at first. "

Arwani cocked an eyebrow, a feeling settling in her stomach. An intuitive knowledge letting her know he's up to something— that however doesn't still stop from heat rushing through her body and creeping up her face. His touches are gentle, too gentle for it to go unnoticed by her.

" Should I be concern? " She tilted her head to face him, he shrugged with a small smile. And Arwani had realized their relationship had come from a long way, it had unknowingly and naturally developed into something more.

" Why should you? " Neteyam asked back. She stared into his eyes, mimicking ones of the golden sun— what's the difference anyways?

Both shone light that wrapped her  mesmerized for their beauty and for they truly basked her in a good lighting.

Arwani was unaware if he knew the effects he had on her; the nervousness making her all crimson but the comfortability he provided to keep her heart at a soothing rate. This way all nothing new, however, it still was something different.

As a firstborn child, a daughter of the sea witch, Arwani was prone to having to do almost everything by herself which led her to finding more comfort in having control of certain things and having the idea of someone else taking the lead— she was open to it, but still odd.

It's not like this was the first time, but this felt more different than before. It felt rather more like the silly bonding part of the outer layer within their friendship; and this undoubtedly felt different.

Him teaching her this felt more deeper,

But she was willing to learn to let it go, under his guidance.

" It's nothing. " Arwani brushed it off, and focused her attention to the chosen target— the boy taking a few steps back. Letting go, it didn't perfectly hit the center but still not bad.

" That was nice. " Arwani laughed at his commentary, she knew it was shit. The blue-skinned boy took her hands made them clapped for her. " Oh please, that was shit we both know. However, I thank you, my dear Neteyam."

" I prefer to like your company. " She admitted out so randomly before handing him his weapon but it was needed to be said from her for she no longer could keep it, he stared at her— in the manner that Arwani couldn't really decipher- admiration she suppose?

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