seven. brewing

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[ chapter seven ]

THE TWO SISTERS sat down for supper, Arwani had prepared it whilst her mother was sleeping in her section of their Marui pod

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THE TWO SISTERS sat down for supper, Arwani had prepared it whilst her mother was sleeping in her section of their Marui pod. The older accompanying the younger as she listened and hummed hearing Wira's stories for that day, waiting for the chatter filled girl to finish eating.

" And then, Me and Tuk made jewelry out of the seashells we collected and her mother helped us wear it. She's very lovely. I love her. " Wira ranted on, taking the last sip of her soup. And a yawn won the little girl over, meaning her bedtime was approaching. Arwani lightly laughed, feeling comfortable between them.

" Go, you must rest for tomorrow. " She grinned at her sister. Arwani felt happy for her to make a new friend and enjoy their company— the girl was truly grateful for the smallest Sully, she couldn't really remembered when was the last time she saw Wira connect with another kid.

Almost all kids shied away from the sociable and sunshine Wira because of her sharp-tongued mother and her deemed unhinged sister for just one incident.

The girl defied the suggestion, " But how was your day? " She made an effort to ask despite in a sleepy state.

" Do you want to know a secret? " The younger nodded, that seemingly took out the tiredness with ease. Arwani smiling but with the ends of her lips downturned to not get too excited in the middle of the night.

She leaned in and whisperee despite no one around, " I tamed a Tsurak today. "

Wira's mouth was agape, clearly expressing delight with the news for her sister— " Really? "

Wira whispered back, toning done her voice and matching her older sister's. Arwani nodded, bright flecks of pearlescent in her eyes shining brightly.

" A male or female? What's their name? You have to tell our family— you can get a tattoo Arwani, and the special garment and the beads—. " The girl was quick to butt in questions, but Arwani waved them off.

" The details would be provided tomorrow, my sister. I'll say, do not worry. Go rest." With that, the younger obeyed with a huff and pout that stayed on her lips. Within the next minutes, Arwani heard soft snores coming her room.

THE NEXT DAY had flown by, it was early morning. Arwani had already woken up before the eclipse had taken place but didn't make the effort to get away from her hammock. The teenage girl zoned out mindlessly with her gaze fixed towards the sunlight that entered her home— her mind occupied by nothing get everything.

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