five. recalling

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[ chapter five ]

" YOU DID IT! " She yelled in surprised- arms in the air with her mouth agape

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" YOU DID IT! " She yelled in surprised- arms in the air with her mouth agape. A sudden feeling, warmly sprouting her inside her chest then spreading bliss across her body, every inch of it. Ar Ani felt warm.

" WOO! " Neteyam resurfaced after successfully riding his Ilu with no slipping away and passing every obstacle that Arwani had set up.

He smiled, lines appearing around his eyes and as his eyes crinkled in joy. Happiness swelled inside him, so he instructed his Ilu to swim circles around Arwani. The older girl just applauded with a relaxed face, seeming satisfied and proud of him. He then got off and swam to her, now standing- the water reaching to his ribs.

" You did good. " Then her hands clapped in front of his face to show she was really being serious- Neteyam could only stare at her face, yellow irises were lingering on her face for a little while.

He noticed. The corners of her mouth had turned up slightly, her grey eyes were a little brighter than usual. The girl just ignored his staring and grabbed his hands, making them clap for himself.

" You should be proud of yourself. " Arwani noted, her eyes bright with contempt of bliss.

He wide smile turned soft, and so did his gaze. " Why, thank you. "

" You're welcome. " She just then nodded, still not really smiling at him but the upwards tilt of her lips made Neteyam feel a bit satisfied- to be frank, he felt that as though that little subconscious gesture of hers would be enough for him to feel happy for half a century. To smile at him, even a little.

If Neteyam ever made her smile ( indirectly speaking towards him ), he'd think he had won.

But Neteyam is truly fine with it, if she doesn't want to smile at him then let her be he believed. Arwani's non-smiling looks had grown over him- had he now found some place in him that feels easy when seeing it.

Arwani clicked her tongue, calling for her Ilu- clearly with something in mind. She turned her head to look at him, over her shoulder. She thought again, maybe twice. Her Ilu, Ley'fe accepting rubs and pets from his rider.

Neteyam simply stared, eyes looming on her figure more longer than needed to be. Yellow eyes hold somewhat of it indescribable longing glinting bright, as they never tore off from her.

" Do you trust me? " She questioned suddenly.

Her back facing him whilst her attention diverted to the animal- he hummed in questioning.

Finally then, did she face the boy- " Do you? "

" You have my trust. " He replied casually, not fully thinking deeply of sentence- thinking she was just casually exaggerating or joking.

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