╭──╯ . . . . . 𝓣𝓔𝓛𝓔𝓟𝓞𝓡𝓣𝓐𝓣𝓘𝓞𝓝. . . . . ╰──╮

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I did not like the idea of being trapped in any sort of room, especially with someone as confusing as Russia. "Um, no one is answering my calls and the emergency button is busted." Said Russia smoothly. How could he be so calm in a situation like this? Half an hour had passed, the meeting was supposed to end by 11:30, and it was currently 9:30 so, Russia and I were gonna be stuck for a while before someone realises, we're in here.

Half an hour was enough for me to have a full melt down, I could feel the walls closing in on me and my breath became short and sharp. My vision went slightly blurry, I could barely stand up straight. Nausea took over all my senses, focused on how sick I felt I didn't even realise I was crying. Russia then did something I didn't quite expect, "Hey, hey, hey сахарок what's the crying for?" He spoke. I completely gave up and gushed all over him like a child.

"We're gonna be stuck in here forever!" I said through gasps. Russia put an arm around me and tried to calm me down, and he spoke in a hushed tone. "Everything is gonna be okay, someone will find us, and we'll be fine." I found it hard to believe him. "But what if everyone forgets about us? What if they block off the elevator for months and we starve to death in here!" I looked him in the eyes, desperately searching for answers that were not there. "I'M GONNA DIE ALONE!" I started wailing. "You're not gonna die alone рыбка ..." He took a moment to think carefully about what he was going to say next. "You'll have me, won't you? Even if everyone in the world forgets about us. I'll be here." Said Russia trying to put on some form of smile that looked like a cross between a smirk and a hyena's mouth, slightly exposing his dimples. I started giggling while pointing at his face. "Huh? What's wrong with my face?" Asked Russia. "Hahahah! You look like that one wolf meme!"

Russia cocked his head slightly to one side as he failed to understand what I was talking about. "You should try smile more; dimples suit you." The echoes of my laughter died out and it was only Russia and I face to face. Since I had the time, I took the liberty of examining his facial features. I really hated how I couldn't see his hair, as it was being covered by his ushanka. I'm convinced it's attached to his head. His face was quite round and squishy overall, his cheeks were slightly stained with a deep red, and he had thick bushy eyebrows and he had dazzling, fierce amber eyes I couldn't get enough of, they were almost angelic as his long eyelashes batted against his perfect skin. His lips were soft and plump, I think he just put on a fresh coat of lip balm, it smelt of chamomile and cinnamon. I must not have noticed that I was staring, "earth to USA?" I quickly snapped out of my trance; my face probably looked as red as my flag stripes. He laughed nervously, unless I was hallucinating, I could've sworn I saw a blush poking at his face. But he turned around too quickly for me to tell.

An hour had passed, it was now 10:30. I was cursed with boredom, I had forgotten to charge my phone during the night, and I had planned to charge it during the meeting, so now I have 10% that I must save for calls. My day really couldn't get any worse. Russia then called to me waving his hand in a 'come hither' motion. I contemplated it before I decided to shuffle towards him. "I'm bored, let's play cards." Said Russia.

I decided not to question why Russia had random playing cards in his pocket, we played various games like, go fish and bluff to pass the remaining time. "Hey, remember when we were kids, we got into a fight over who got to go on the rope swing first, we nearly drowned over such a silly thing." Russia said flashing me a slight smirk, "you know it baffles me how long I've known you." I replied, "hell, I don't even remember why I started to hate you in the first place." Russia shrugged. "Things happen котик." I hummed in agreement, and we continued our card game in silence.

I couldn't help but notice Russia was glancing up at me every so often. I looked up at him but before anything could fall out my mouth, the elevator spurred and started working. I stood up and Russia followed suit, we both looked at each other. "Well, that was lucky?" I said with a strange mix between a laugh and a grunt to compliment. The elevator opened with a ding. I could instantly tell something was very, very wrong.






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Oh no... ( ͡❛  皿 ͡❛ )

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