╭──╯ . . . . .𝓢𝓤𝓜𝓜𝓔𝓡 𝓟𝓣2. . . . . ╰──╮

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I was with Germany as he threw up water, Russia standing awkwardly behind me. How did I even get here? I asked myself.






"ALL ABOARD" The grey man shouted, everyone scrambled to get onto the ship and finally we set sail. Malaysia's and Bhutan's summer plan was a Mediterranean boat cruise which ended in Malaysia with a big party with a big bonfire celebration. I was checking up on everybody when I bumped into Canada, I smiled as it felt like it was ages since I had last seen him. 

The boat set sail and I let the wind and blow through my hair. I felt myself relax for the first time in a hot minute. That was immediately hindered as I nearly headed to my death as Peru and Bolivia blasted past me with water guns. I clung to the rail for dear life, and I watched as the waves crashed against the boat. That's when I knew I wasn't going swimming again in a long time. 

I wandered inside, looking for my friends when I was pulled by Japan into a game of hide and seek. "Shh" she said as she scanned the room. The then motioned for me to follow her quietly we snuck into the kitchen, and I snatched every snack we came across. As we came out the other side, I was sure I looked like a chipmunk. We then caught a glimpse of Myanmar and Japan slammed me behind the wall, I grunted softly, and she put her hand over my mouth to stifle it. 

We peeked around the corner just to see if Myanmar had heard but we were safe. We continued our way to wherever Japan was taking me and eventually we found Peru and Bolivia hiding in a very cramped looking space under a table. "Hey! You guys nearly killed me!" I argued, they tried to hush me, but I was too caught up in trying to get my justice. 

Then China and NK spotted us, and we all started running. "AMERICA!" They all angrily shouted as we were eventually caught. I smiled at them sheepishly, "oops- "I said. They were not impressed. I did feel a little bad, but I was distracted by a goat walking across the deck. I stared at it as it meandered down the deck. Once I snapped out of my trance I contemplated my life, what is the real meaning of the goat? 

The speakers then squealed as the captain announced that we had arrived at our first destination.

Before we got off, we were put into groups of six. I got Japan, Canada, Ukraine, Poland, and Greece. I was uncomfortable with the idea of being in a group with Poland, I could already see him staring at me with those big bug eyes of his. It sent a shiver down my spine. I walked past them being all lovey-dovey and I wanted to puke, "get a room." I said, thankfully I had Japan and Greece, they were relatively normal. Finally, we set off on our tour.

As we left the museum, we walked by a market the air was thick with the smell of street food. Japan was too fascinated by the sights, Poland... isn't even an option, Mexico was doing something else, and Greece just wouldn't come with me, so I had to go alone. 

I knew that the next stop was just 3 blocks down, so I left the group and went into the market. I was captivated by the vibrant colours and the lovely music. I found myself buying something from every stall and I was so caught up in what I was doing that I bumped into Russia. 

He turned around, annoyed. But as soon as he saw it was me his expression softened. He looked around, "you're here alone?" He asked, I nodded. He smirked, "It was the food, wasn't it?" He teased, "Hey! Don't expose me." I argued indignantly, we both laughed. It went a little quiet and we both blushed, Russia cleared his throat and said that I should probably get back to my group. I agreed and I went back them. Japan caught me sneaking back in and questioned where I had been, I told her I went to the market we passed and dodged any other questions she asked.






It was the last day of the summer project, and I was feeling a little depressed because since the market I hadn't seen Russia. Which was funny because I never thought that not seeing Russia would make me sad. I heard a knock on my door, startled, I shot up and opened it to find Russia standing there, bashful. "Everyone's out to watch shooting stars." He said, "why did they send you to get me then?" I asked, he went quiet for a moment. His ears went red, "...that's because they didn't." His eyes flicked back and forth; it was funny to see him all worked up. I kissed Russia and I stared into his eyes as they caught the light from the moon, Russia then kissed me again and again, I relished in his touch. Eventually, I held his hand smiling, "I'll go watch shooting stars with you." I said.

Before, we reached everyone I let go of his hand and we went to our respective friend groups. There was loud chatter since everyone had come together to watch the stars. Soon a big white star shot through the sky, everyone cheered and then a stage lit up. Everyone went quiet as Malaysia and Bhutan came up on stage to thank everyone. Then suddenly, loud music started blasting and there was a massive party. After a while Germany came up to me, looking a little drunk. He was saying something, but I couldn't understand him. Then, Spain and Netherlands called Germany and as he turned around, he was smacked in the face with a ball. He then lost balance and fell into the pool!






I was with Germany as he threw up water, Russia standing awkwardly behind me, "oh yeah that's how I got here." I muttered, Russia and I then sent Germany back to his room. We decided to go on a stroll, as we walked Russia turned to me and asked what I wished for. "Well, if I told you, it wouldn't come true!" I said, he laughed "you seriously believe that?" He asked. "Of course!" There was then the loud crackle of fireworks behind us. I wrapped myself around Russia, "how romantic." I said and he hummed in agreement.

The end.


Well it's been a while!

Uh I finally finished the book lol

It snowed today!

It was very cool, made everything white

Uh hope I haven't missed much!!

Till next time! 

-- Kika ☆

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