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586 10 15

In this one shot America is a little country boy and Russia is a foreigner although he's picked up the accent. This is still a rusame except I decided to make it more fluffy rather than full on. Also because I made them children in this. Lol






I sighed and cracked my back, tired from all the bending over. The hot sun beat down on my face like a good slap. I adjusted my worn ten-gallon hat and rubbed my gloved hands together. "America, dear! Can you come over here for a bit?" My mother called, I sprinted to her knowing that if I behaved, I could get out of field work for the day.

"Yes ma'am?" I answered, "I have a job for you." She pointed behind me towards the forest, there was a small market behind it where we bought small things like milk and bread. Bigger things were usually bought by my father, and he would have to go all the way to the town square for that. I never knew how he did it, considering it's quite aways from here. "Seeing as you're at the ripe old age of 7, we've run out of milk, and I need you to run down to market for me."

She handed me a few coins; I looked down at it. Examining every inch of the copper circle. I have never been to the market on my own before, I guess this would be an adventure! "I won't let you down ma!" She smiled at me, and I dashed into the thick woodlands, jumping over the tree roots, keeping a lookout for different types of bugs, breathing in the air. I loved this place. It was full of surprises and new things for me to look at, Australia and I play here until dad threatens us with no dinner for us to come out.

Arriving at the market, I made my way to stall that normally sold milk. I was expecting to see that nasty old man that was usually here, he was always mean to my mother whenever I tagged along to the market with her. However, I was greeted by a boy my age. I tensed up and shoved my hands in the pockets of my dry dirt-stained dungarees. I stood awkwardly in front of the stall and tried to slink away. But he must have noticed me because his eyes lit up and he beckoned me over. I had no choice. I sighed and slowly made my way over to him.

"Hey! Uh...you're the one that comes here with your mother, right?" I stared at him wide eyed, 'he knows me?' I thought. "Yeah... I didn't know I was popular." I replied, and he dismissively waved his hand, "no, no It's just because my дедуля always talks about you guys. Nothing nice I can tell ya that!" He laughed, I jolted slightly and narrowed my eyes at the boy. "Ded-ba-la-la-what?" I fumbled over my words, trying to make sense of whatever the hell he just said. Dimples appeared on his face as he pointed and laughed at me. "Oh bless! I said 'gramps'!" He breathed as he tried to recover from is laughing fit. "Ohhhhh. Wait! So that mean man is your pa?" He raised an eyebrow at me, "mean?" I gained a little confidence and puffed out my chest, "yeah! Your pa is always mean to my maw!" He furrowed his brow and opened his mouth to say something, but then he thought about it and leaned back in his chair.

He then perked up, he came from out from the stall and took my arm. "Hey! Wait!" And I snatched my arm away. "I came here for milk, so I'm leaving with milk." The boy looked a little disappointed, he then whipped his head to face away from mine. "We're out." He said bluntly, I tensed up. "Huh? What do you mean you're out? Oh no, what am I gonna do?!" I whined; the tall foreigner boy then looked at me smugly. "If you come with me, then I'll find milk for you. Deal?" He outstretched his arm expectantly. I thought about his deal... "well, make it quick then! My mum'll kill me if I stay out too late." And I shook his hand.

I ended up following him for what felt like years, I was much smaller than him which didn't make it any better. "Hey... could you... slow down a bit." I said though huffs. He turned his head, still walking. A cheeky grin appeared on his face, "catch me if you can!" And he scampered away, just like that. "Oh no you don't!" And I went after him, eventually I lost sight of him. I slowly went forward I opened my mouth to call for him, but I realised I did not know his name. "Errr... MEAN GRANDPA BOY?" I waited for a response, but I didn't hear anything. "GRANDPA BOY THIS ISN'T FU­­­­— "

I was grabbed from behind, it was dark. Were my eyes being covered? I thrashed around frantically. "Hey, hey calm down. It's just me, idiot."

"Why are you covering my eyes! I don't like it." I quizzed, "what I want to show you is in front of us I'll walk you there now." I didn't really trust him but, I couldn't let my mother down. Despite my almost falling various times we eventually made it to wherever this boy was taking me. When he uncovered my eyes, I think I laid my eyes on the most beautiful thing.

The sun once high in the sky now hung low creating a warm gold overcast. Green hills peeked over, a small house was visible in the distance, sunflowers littered all around swayed in the breeze. I had never seen so many in one place. I turned to the taller one of us, speechless. Are scenes like this a regular thing for him? Birds flew overhead going wherever birds went. I felt a hand intertwine with mine and the boy dragged me down to sit with him. "It's beautiful, no?" I nodded in response, still in awe of what laid in front of me. We sat in silence for a while, until the boy rolled down the hill. Wait... he rolled!? I watched him as he disappeared into the thick field of sunflowers. I stood up abruptly, was he ok?! Luckily a small head popped out from the flowers. He flashed me that cheeky grin he always wore and beckoned me over.

It looked fun so I too rolled down the hill. I ended up crashing into him and landing face first onto his chest. His face was priceless! He looked like he'd never been knocked off his feet before. I laughed at him, and he furrowed his brow. We both stood up and he took my hand again. "Let's play!" I agreed happily and we ran into the distance as far as our legs could take us. The boy ended up showing me many things I had never seen before; today was the first time I had fed a group of hatchlings. The first time I had seen a toad and he even showed me a new type of mushroom. In return I taught him how to start a fire with a magnifying glass, we ended up burning ants with it, they went pop! However, I felt a little bad afterwards.

"Wow you're so cool! I wanna hang out with you every day!" The nameless boy laughed and ruffled my hair but, he looked a little sad. "You know. I've never actually shown anyone this before." I cocked my head, "not even your parents?" I asked. "I don't got any of those, it's just me and my gramps." I became even more confused, "you don't have any parents? Well, what happened to them!?" He shrugged his shoulders, "beats me. I'm only 9." We ended up back at the stall, "as promised." He pulled out the biggest jug of milk ever and dumped it in my hands.

I wobbled a little quickly regaining my balance. "Geeze..." The boy stared at me blankly, like he was lost. "I gotta get going now, I'll see you tomorrow!" He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and smiled at me. "I'll see you... when I see you!" He responded as I walked away. 'What a weird response' I thought.

I made it back to my house and my mother didn't look too pleased. "Where've ya been boy? Look, you've got grass all over your face!" She swiped off all the small blades of grass entangled in my hair and littered on my face. "You had me worried! I thought something bad had happened to you, don't let it happen again you hear." She warned me with a stern look on her face, her finger pointing directly into my soul.

The next day I went back to the stall, only to find that it was gone. I looked around like a child looking for a lost toy. It was like it had never even been there, no marks, no leftovers, no nothing. I asked around for people who may have seen them leave, no one knew a thing. I went back to the sunflower field to look for him, I wandered over to the creek we played in. I looked under every log, disturbed many resting bugs, trudged over all sorts of plants, but I could not find him. I ended up back where I had started, I felt an emptiness in my heart like, despite only spending a few hours with him I had just lost a very close friend. My shoulders slumped and I dragged my feet back home.

When I came back, I noticed something. A crown made of sunflowers hung on the fence. It had white silk ribbons tied to it, I put it on my head and looked up to the sky. It was the same golden overcast it had been when I was with him. I leaned on the fence and wondered if I would ever see him again...







-- Sunflowers symbolise loyalty and adoration!

Fun fact I actually don't like sunflower fields. I think they look creepy from a distance like many eyes just staring...😧

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