╭──╯ . . . . .𝓒𝓗𝓘𝓛𝓓𝓗𝓞𝓞𝓓. . . . . ╰──╮

539 23 25

America's POV

I walked up to the door. I was about to press the doorbell as the door creaked open a tad. "I swear t'gad if Russia had a brain id die a loneliness." I muttered to myself.

I slowly opened the door, poked my head through and found Russia knocked out on his side. My body immediately rushed over to him, I lifted his arm up and it was extremely cold, I could feel my heart beat a little faster. I checked his pulse and listened to his chest. Luckily, he was still alive, but I needed to get him somewhere warm. I tried to sort of pick him up, but he was far too heavy. I spent ages trying to get him to budge and eventually I managed to drag him up onto a couch. I looked around for a blanket but there was nothing, I looked up the stairs then back to Russia, his face was pale, and he was shivering slightly.

I breathed in shakily and slowly crept up the stairs. Once I finally reached the top, I was met with many doors leading to places I did not know. One by one I opened all of them, I saw Ukraine in her room, sleeping. She looked peaceful, she stirred slightly, and I quickly shut the door. I then opened a door to what I assumed was Russia's room, it was extraordinarily clean. Everything had its place. Finding a speck of dust in here would be a challenge. I walked over to his bed and ripped off the covers. Before I walked out, I noticed something gleam in the moonlight on his desk. I went over to it and checked it out. It was a matching necklace, the one I gave him many years ago. "He kept it?" I thought. Warm memories of my childhood flooded my mind.






"Ready or not here I come!" I ran through all the sunflowers, the stems of the tall leaves slapping against my face. The warmth of the autumn sun beat down on my face as I searched for my friend. I heard rustling nearby and I came to a standstill. The rustling grew louder, and I creeped towards it. I was about to catch him, but he escaped before I could! I stamped my foot in annoyance and continued my search.

After 5 billion years I gave up as my legs ached and I could not find Russia anywhere. Giggling, he met me at the field gate. "Where were you! I couldn't see you anywhere." I argued, along with a wide grin he cheekily put a finger to his lips. Russia's eyes widened with excitement, and he dragged me to wherever he was going. "I vill show you something khul!"






He brought me to a place full of daisies, infront of me was a large tree that cast shade over a large area, the sun had now gone down a little and made a nearby hill glow. Russia pulled me under the tree picked a daisy and put it in my hair. He smiled gently, "I tink they suit you, no?" He turned away quickly and began to pick many more daisies, "I vill teach you how to make flowerrr crrrown." We spent hours making flower crowns, many of which broke apart, we had so much fun I almost forgot the gift I had brought for his birthday.

"Oh Russia!" I fumbled around my pocket for the once forgotten object, I pulled out a small maroon box and handed it to him. "Happy birthday! To my bestest friend in the world!" He looked at the box quizzically and hesitantly took it from my hands. He opened it and his freckled face lit up, he held the necklace high over his face and it shimmered beautifully in the golden sunset. He quickly put it round his neck shaking trapped flowers free from his long hair. I smiled and showed him my necklace to go along with his. "I- thank you? I didn't think you vould rrememberr my birthday." He mused, I jokingly slapped his arm, "Of course I would remember your birthday?! I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't!"

He flashed me a toothy grin, revealing the gap between his front two teeth. His smile soon faded, and he turned away slightly, "but vhy? vhy do you like me zo much?" I burst into a hearty laugh, "oh well that's easy! Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more." I boasted with a large, almost painful, smile. Russia did nothing but gaze into my eyes. I happened to feel a little warm inside...







I got 0.99% of a hot Russian reading my story, I count that as a win 😍

Omg should I do voice claims for everyone?? 🤔

Daily reminder that you are loved, you are perfect, and you are you nobody else can be as cool as you. And if u really believe you aren't I LOVE YOU OK U HAVE NO EXCUSES ANYMORE! 😤

I actually love this fandom tbh like other than the fact that there are weirdos but there are weirdos in every fandom so yeah.


You should listen to destroy boys

(You don't have a choice 🔫😍)

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