╭──╯ . . . . .𝓑𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓚 𝓘𝓝!. . . . . ╰──╮

902 22 35

America's POV

Once Russia had finally gotten over himself, a positively horrible idea popped into my head. I smiled at him deviously, "I don't wanna know what you're thinking." He was slowly backing away as I walked closer. I backed him into a wall, he couldn't escape. "Hey~ since we're here... why don't we have some fun?" I was now close enough to feel his breathing on my top lip. "L-like what kind of...fun?" Russia asked, it was fun seeing him all worked up and flustered as it was quite unusual for a person like him.

I leaned into his ear and whispered, "we can sneak into other people's houses." Russia pushed me away and his face was twisted with sheer embarrassment, he was as red as his father's flag. I fell to the ground in a fit of laughter, "don't play with me like that!" Russia muttered at me. "Aw, I'm sorry It won't happen again." I said half joking, although he seemed pleased with my half assed apology. "It would be fun though!" I said, "You clearly haven't learned from the McDonalds." Russia said, unimpressed with my reckless thinking. "Oh, whatever. We're going to Japan's first!"






All the doors in this world seemed to be unlocked in this world, so we both walked into Japan's house. It was very cosy, and it smelled of strawberries. Japan may seem like a hardworking woman but, she does enjoy being cute and soft in her free time. And her house was an accurate representation of that. "Japan has a diary hidden somewhere in her room, you look for that, I look for the key."

I ordered, Russia gave me a deadpanned look, "that's very invasive, aren't you two supposed to be best friends?" I sighed at him, "yeah, but it's not like I'm gonna post ALL her secrets on countryGRAM. It's just a bit of fun! But obviously you wouldn't know that." Russia didn't seem convinced, "you're a shit friend America." "I know." I spat back, "now, I'm gonna look for the key, it's up to you whether you want to help or not." Russia crossed his arms and dragged his hand down his face. I left to search the house for the key.

After what felt like ages, I finally found the key, it was hidden in her attic inside a loose floorboard. It was a pretty good hiding spot to be honest, if it wasn't for my CIA training, I probably wouldn't have found it. I flashed my giant guns having a mini celebration over finally finding the key. I burst into Japan's bedroom, "Hey Russ! I found the key; did you find the book of secrets?"

He was lying on the floor, bottle of vodka in his right and a white fluffy sticker decorated book in the other. He sat up slowly like Dracula, looking quite dazed. He looked over in his hand and examined the book like he'd never seen it before, "oh, this? I found it ages ago! Where the hell were you?" His question slipped pass me as I was more focused on the alcohol Russia was drinking.

"Where the hell did you get that from?" I pointed at the vodka; Russia shrugged saying he always had one on him. Little weirdo. However, that could come in handy later. "Finally." I breathed, I inserted the key into the diary and opened it, "the moment we've all been waiting for." A snarky grin formulated on my face, "correction the moment YOU'VE been waiting for." Said Russia, I deadpanned Russia and continued to the book.

I looked at the first page and... it was all in Japanese. I let out the deadest most life sucking sigh I've ever sighed in my life, I turned to Russia and put on my 'mum can I have £5' face. "Russia, would you be SO kind as to let me use your phone to translate this foreign text?... pretty please." I mustered up the best and cutest puppy face I could as I waited for an answer. Russia sighed and handed over his phone, "thank you so sosososos much!" I gave him a small hug and returned to translate the book. "Ok, so..." I muttered.

'Tuesday 20th July, today...' I continued to read, Japan's life was, surprisingly, very boring. I was about to shut the diary when a certain sentence caught my eye.

'I would be so embarrassed if he ever knew but, I really like America. I really want to tell him but I'm afraid of ruining our friendship. AHHHHH WHAT DO I DOOO!"

I slammed the diary shut which woke Russia up, he had fallen asleep while I was reading. "Bro what the fuck?" He looked at me judgmentally, a slip of paper flew out of the book and landed at my foot. I picked it up, it was not in Japan's handwriting or anyone else's that I knew. I showed Russia who also didn't recognise the handwriting. It was a series of numbers and the word 'EXIT' written on the back of the paper. "Maybe this is the code for the elevator?" I suggested, "I'll hold onto it. Let's bust this joint before the monster sniffs us out."






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