╭──╯ . . . . .𝓢𝓤𝓜𝓜𝓔𝓡 𝓟𝓣 1. . . . . ╰──╮

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"Malaysia and Bhutan!" The room erupted into a mix of cheers, applause, and congratulations. I high fived Malaysia as everyone crowded around them. Although I was a little disappointed Russia and I didn't win I had to admit their idea was pretty cool and so they deserved it.






I ran around the house like a headless chicken, Russia was coming to pick me up in 30 minutes and my hair was all over the place and I hadn't picked out an outfit yet. I dashed into the bathroom and frantically tried to tame my hair, reaching for the hairbrush, and swiftly combing through the chaotic mass. With my hair looking somewhat ok I hurriedly rummaged through my closet, tossing clothes in a frenzy. Nothing seemed right. Every outfit I pulled out felt either too casual or too formal for the occasion. I needed something that struck the perfect balance between stylish and comfortable. I looked at the clock, 15 MINUTES! Finally, after running at the speed of light, I chose something I was happy with, and patiently waited for Russia to arrive.

"What are you so jittery for?" I jumped at the voice; it was Texas. He looked at he with suspicion as he held his coke. I stumbled over my words trying to think of a good answer, but Texas cut me off. "Huh, you look good...are you going on a date?!" Texas said louder than necessary, that attracted the other states to the room and soon enough everyone was asking if I was seeing somebody. I desperately tried to avoid the question but then the doorbell had to ring at the worst time possible. Everyone ooed as I went to the door, I shushed them and answered it. I opened the door and heavy boots were shoved into my hands, "what the?... Hey what happened to hello!" I accused, Russia said nothing and pulled me by the wrist and into his car. I didn't put up much of a fight because I guess I asked for this.

I looked at the boots again and I realised they were ice skates, "so we're going skating?" I asked to break the silence, Russia nodded. "Cool... but one problem... I don't know how to skate for my life." I admitted, Russia then turned to me, eyes slightly widened, "then you'll learn."






Once we got there, I scrambled around like a fawn, Russia just laughed as I fell on my ass multiple times. "It's not funny! Help me up!" I demanded, far too embarrassed to even try being polite. Russia just keeled over from laughter, clutching his stomach for dear life. Eventually, he wiped a tear from his eye and stretched out his hand, I grabbed it, and he pulled me into him. I blushed a little as he wrapped his arm around my waist, "there you can hold onto me until you find your balance." He said, if it stayed like this, I didn't think I wanted to find any balance.

Soon enough I started to get the hang of it, and I was now waddling around like a penguin. Russia examined my waddling, and he shook his head and sighed, "what I'm trying here!" I pouted, then Russia came to my side and forced me to stand straight, he looked proud at what he'd just done. "See isn't that much better?" He asked, "I can't move..." I said, Russia's face fell flat.






As we stepped outside, Russia took my hand in his, gently intertwining our fingers. His touch sent a warm and comforting sensation through my chilled body. "That was actually kinda fun." I said, a smile decorating my face. It was quite dark now and the soft glow of streetlights illuminated our path, casting a romantic ambiance around us. We found a cozy little café nearby the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wafted through the air, enticing us to step inside. Inside the café, we settled into a corner booth. The chatter and laughter of other people filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere. The moments passed by in a blur of laughter, shared stories, and stolen glances. It was as if time had slowed down and the world around us faded into the background. As the evening ended, we left the café hand in hand. We wandered back to Russia's car, and I was bubbling. Russia handed me a small bouquet of flowers, "I wanted to give you this at the door, but I panicked and ended up shoving skates into your arms, sorry about that." He looked at me nervously, a light blush glazing his cheeks. I laughed and took them happily. Then Russia cupped the side of my face and leaned over to kiss me. It was over as soon as it started and the ride home was silent, but not the bad kind.

I waved Russia goodbye and I flopped on my couch, my states then immediately pounced on me like dogs, I was bombarded with questions about my date with Russia which quickly turned into arguing. While everyone was screaming over one thing or the next, I slipped away and hid myself in my room. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened today and I giggled and kicked my feet like a girl.

1 month later

I was with Germany as he threw up water, Russia standing awkwardly behind me. How did I even get here? I asked myself.






Er it's been a whilee, sorry I just dropped off the face of the earth. I had some issues to deal with and was finding it hard to upload 😓. I'm still dealing with this so insead the end will be split into 2 parts and i'll try to upload it on time!

Also just wanted to thank you guys for getting me to 10K, I really appreciate it and find it amusing that you guys like my book.


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