╭──╯ . . . . .𝓛𝓘𝓠𝓤𝓞𝓡. . . . . ╰──╮

573 17 26

Russia's POV

I ran my hand through my hair and looked up at my ceiling. I needed a drink. I went to my closet and scanned through my large collection of Ushankas. I chose a fluffy light grey one that I had gotten recently and put it on my head. I checked to see if what I was wearing was ok, grabbed my car keys, and left.

I rolled up to a bar that I liked and made my way in, it was empty like usual. I liked this particular bar as there was no one to disturb me and I could think in peace. I ordered my usual and thought about all the life decisions I've made to get to this point. I tried not to be too invasive on Ukraine as I believe she deserves her own space and privacy, but maybe I wasn't strict enough? Maybe I should've watched over her more and who she spent time with? 

I know not having parents can be hard for someone her age but, all this time I thought I was doing okay as a stand in. I guess it was never enough. I ran my hands through my hair and softly banged my head against the bar table. The barista noticed my behaviour and glided over, "you seem down. What's going on?" I looked up at her solemnly, I really wasn't in the mood to talk but she had the courtesy of asking how I was doing so I felt it rude to ignore her. I shrugged my shoulders, "family issues." 

I breathed, she looked at me knowingly and put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure it will be okay, whatever it is." She gave me a bright and genuine smile; I couldn't help but feel a little bit better. Her eyebrows perked up as she remembered something, she turned and rested her back on the edge of the table.

"That sorta reminds me of when I came out to my family as a lesbian." She chuckled slightly and continued with her story, "I was 24 and fresh out of university, before then I had struggled a lot with self-image and the weight of the expectations from my family, especially from my father. He would always tell me about how he wanted me to aim for the stars and that he always thought I would make it big one day. Obviously, younger me wanted to live up to that and make him proud and that put a lot of stress and around high school I spiralled into the deep dark hole of depression..." I was now interested in what she had to say, a little part of me related and sympathised with her.

She soon snapped out of her little trance, "uh! Yeah, long story short I decided to take control of my life. Obviously, my parents were not so happy with my orientation but we're currently trying to reconnect and heal old wounds." She laughed nervously, "sorry I rambled on a bit but there's never anyone to talk to in here! Hah, well the moral of that was to always believe in yourself and most things work out in the end!" 

She held her head high as she concluded her short life synopsis, she reminded me a little of America. I gave out an amused huff, I was a little disappointed at the fact that was the best I could do, but I can't help the fact that I'm not very expressive. "Kris shennong!" The grey* woman stuck out her hand for me to shake, "so she's one of China's." I thought. "Russia."







*Grey people are basically people like you and me that exist in the same world as the countries, however they exist to represent the peoples of one or more countries (I say more than one because like you and I they can be of mixed race) however, they adopt their own personalities and typically have their own lives.


Ok so i've decided that I will start 'dangerously yours' when this fic is finished, which I assume will be around late spring - middle of summer!

How would you guys feel about other translations of this fic? Is this something I should consider or? Tell me your opinions!  

I currently have exams going on so please excuse late updates 😰


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