╭──╯ . . . . .𝓜𝓞𝓝𝓢𝓣𝓔𝓡. . . . . ╰──╮

936 28 47

Russia's POV

America and I walked out of the elevator carefully. We made our way to the conference room, and I opened the door. No one. We checked the staff room, no one. Germany's office, empty. Japan's office, barren. Nobody was in the building; I checked my watch, but it was all warped and illegible. Something was definitely not right about this place. America called for me to look out one of the large windows in the conference room. I don't think I've felt as much fear since my late father...well, let's not talk about that.

There was a black animal-monster looking, thing. It had arms so long and bony that it touched the ground, it walked on all fours and its face was completely 2D. Its eyes were surreal looking, and it had no mouth. The thing looked directly into my soul, and I could feel a blood curling chill slowly slide down my spine. Whatever that thing was, it was sucking out my soul and it didn't need to have a mouth for me to tell it was smiling. What happened next was the icing on the cake, the monster ripped its eyes off me and ran up the building, directly towards us. My body reacted on its own, I yanked America by the arm, and we started to run.

I rammed my body through the stairway door and ran down the stairs faster than my legs could keep up. I could hear the monster behind us, and it made the adrenaline pump faster through my body. The thing then jumped from the floor above and we were now standing face to face. It stared at us for a long while, in that time I whispered to America, "it's not that much further down, if we jump, we can make it to your car." America slightly nodded. "Ok, 3...2...1... JUMP!" We both lunged over the side of the rail and the monster let out a horrible screech as we narrowly escaped its grasp.

Now out of the stairway we bolted for the front door and to the parking lot. Now it was America's turn to pull me around, he dragged me over to his car and basically threw me in. I think he set the new world record for fastest started car because we were already speeding away to god knows where.

"What. The. Fuck. Was. That." America said through gasps. I shook my head unable to say anything out of pure shock. He looked at me, "Uh, my house is quite close by here, we could stop over there for a while and work something out." Said USA.

That probably wasn't the best place to stay but, I was far too tired to argue. So, I managed a meek nod. The car pulled into America's driveway, and we walked into his house. I instantly collapsed onto his couch as a searing pain shot up my leg. "Ahhh! Гавно!" I think I sprained my ankle when we jumped from the stairs. "I'll get ice!" said America. He quickly disappeared into what I assumed was his kitchen and returned with a bag of ice. "Thanks, I don't know why but for some reason I thought you were gonna come back with a bag of frozen peas." I said, slightly embarrassed, and I put the bag on my swollen ankle.

He laughed hysterically, "oh my god Russia, I thought you were supposed to be the stoic and emo one or whatever. Turns out you're just dumb." He flicked me on my forehead and left to get a first aid kit. "I'm not dumb." I thought, I could feel my ears heating up and I covered my face with the ends of my ushanka. Once I had calmed down, I looked at what I could see from where I was sitting, it was quite the opposite of what I imagined.

Everything was very neat and well kept, it was clean and smelled nice. His living room was very spacious and ornate, dark wood floorboards, a medium sized fireplace on the side and a large rug to compliment. Up on the walls were many pictures of him and his states, he seemed to love them all very much. I felt a smile creeping onto my face, however, that was quickly stopped as America came back into the room.

"Sorry, that took so long, I couldn't find this thing, it was buried all the way at the back, hahha." I couldn't help but feel slightly excited when he walked in and flashed that dorky smile at me. "I wasn't missing you." I said and crossed my arms defensively. "You know I wasn't sure that my house would even be here. Because it seems we've been teleported to some whack replica of our universe." Said America. I looked at him, unamused, "You watch wayyyyy too much Sci-Fi's." USA scoffed and continued to treat my ankle, "but I'm not wrong! You saw that thing too, now how the hell are we supposed to even get back?"

The room went silent when those last words fell out of America's mouth, suddenly, I really missed my sister. My face grew dark as I started to think of a way out, I guessed America noticed because he looked at me curiously and sat next to me. "Uhm, well we came here through the elevator so, maybe we could use that to get out?" I suggested, "well, I don't have any better ideas right now so, I guess we could try?" America said. "What should we do in the meantime?" My question was answered as both our stomachs let out a loud rumble. We both laughed nervously, "HEY! Do you think there's a McDonalds here?" Said America excitedly, "you're unbelievable." I gave him an unimpressed look.







Things just started to get interestingggg!

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