Chapter 75: Brainstorming

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Wasn't that a good thing? I almost asked when the Captain told me I would now have the full attention of the Sahal Empire. Only her tone suggesting otherwise made me keep my mouth shut and give it more thought. After all, Rayden had more experience with the Sahal Empire than I did.

Which brought up another question, why was she so distrustful of someone she had served so faithfully for years? Why was she reluctant to let me associate with the Empire? What should I be worried about? It wasn't hard to come up with a few reasons, though.

Just because of the mutations, the Imperial Chief Healer was coming here to examine me, find out what made me tick. Now I've shown them I'm capable of much more than just looking like a freak.

"They might want to use her for communication with the beast," Blaine pitched in to everyone, suggesting I could work as a translator of Esu's growls and roars. To me, that didn't sound so bad. I've already done it, and fear aside, I kind of enjoyed it.

Although, it was a bit of a step away from my thoughts of revenge. On the other hand, I could work my way up the ranks, gain access to more resources, and perhaps even return to my family sooner than if I tried to do it on my own.

"At best," the swordmaster added, destroying my hopes for a somewhat ordinary life as an imperial translator.

"For what else?" I dared to ask.

Blaine shrugged, looking at me like I was an idiot when the answer was so obvious. "Use you to kill the King."

I stiffened at the thought. The idea of being used to trick and betray Esu was sickening, and I couldn't help but shudder at the memory of his might his wrath would bring down on my head. Not to mention he wasn't alone in those woods. I understood that the Empire didn't like their presence in their lands, but attacking them was, in my humble opinion, insane.

"If you can talk to beasts," Janina took over the answer to my question, ending my train of thought. "...and now I don't mean with just the King of the Woods, that ability alone could be valuable to Sahals. Sure, there are Classes and Skills that make it possible, but as I understand it, you do it naturally."

I didn't have to exercise my old grey matter too hard to see I didn't have to make any effort to understand Esu or the mare, let alone having to use a skill for that. It was like she said it was 'natural' for me, but then how could it not. I was a half-beast. "I..." I paused and chickened out from telling them, afraid of their reactions. "Yeah, I guess it is."

"Training such people is difficult. So why waste time, resources, and limited skill slots? When they can have you." She motioned to me with both hands.

"Or more like you, lass," Marcus added, making me raise my eyebrows and cock my ears, which put a smile on his face. "Okay, it would be fun if there were more like you running around. Terrans are pretty touchy about their ears and...tails, no fun. You're 'refreshing', not so uptight."

"Eh...thanks," I said awkwardly after trying to come up with a non-embarrassing answer, which I didn't manage to do, obviously.

Janina nudged the Chief Healer. "What's this idiot trying to say, Korra, is that there's a good chance they'll want to replicate your mutations."

And there it was. "I don't like the sound of that," I actually growled, horrified that even the Empire was becoming someone I should fear. Yeah, I was dreading the Imperial Chief Healer's arrival tomorrow and the follow-up checkup before, but now I was in danger of ending up on the table at the hands of some butcher.

Only sheer force of will kept me from lifting Sage up and clutching him to my chest.

"All true. I wouldn't be surprised if Sah wanted to take you straight to Wagonbrei after the meeting," the Captain voiced her concerns, only to shake her head. "I take it back. He'll wait for Lord Wigram. They need him to examine you, and more importantly, he can't afford to tell him he came here for nothing."

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