Chapter 121: Three Sparks

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Going out for a glass with Clay was one of the many mistakes I made tonight. He wasn't the one to blame, though. He kept his word and only bought me one drink. It was his pals who held me at the bar, insisting I had to have a few rounds with them. In their eyes, I more than deserved it for kicking Clay's ass, even if I didn't win.

Honestly, by the time I got out there, I had more booze in me than I've ever had in my life. Not to mention the strength of it. Yet I was still on my feet and not lying on the ground passed out. Sure, the floor was a little unstable, but the already alienated feeling of happiness was now flooding my body and mind.

In a good mood, I searched for Deckard, wanting to discuss a few skills while still of sound mind, instead I found Squad Four. They sat together at a table, arguing about something I didn't quite hear over the hustle and bustle of the inn.

"Hi, guys," I said as soon as I sat down, catching them by surprise.

"Korra," Freyde said and grinned when he saw it was me. "I thought you were enjoying yourself at the bar."

"You gotta be kidding me! It's hell out there."

"Fuck! Are you serious?" said Harper, not believing what she was hearing. "Guys are buying you drinks I've never tasted in my life, and you fucking hate it?"

"Is it envy, I hear?"

"You bet! I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat."

Meneur grunted in amusement. "You wouldn't even be able to swallow Basilisk's Fire, let alone Dragon's Fart like Korra."

"How does it taste, anyway?"

"Well, Freyde..." I paused, wondering how to describe the taste of each drink I had tonight. Some were bittersweet like Dragon's Fart, others leaving behind the taste of fruit.

"Honestly, I'd rather have plain water right now," I said as I described the drinks to him.

"Water?" Meneur said, raising his eyebrows. "I don't think you'll get it here. The cheapest beverage here is Heron Brew." To emphasize his words, he raised his beer mug.

A sigh ripped from my throat. "I know. I already checked. How can the guards even afford to buy me these drinks on their salaries?"

Freyde's pointed ears twitched. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you know..." I said, hesitating on how to say it without offending them. "With the limited budget the City Guards have and all..."

He laughed. "I think you have the wrong idea, Korra. The budget may be limited, but Captain Rayden pays the guardsmen more than adequately. It's the numbers that the Castiana City Guards lack."

"Oh, I thought..."

"That the guards are poor?" Harper cut in, and she sneered when I nodded. "Then why the hell did you join?"

I knew none of them were here for the money, but they seemed to think I was. With my class and rugged looks, it was no wonder, though. Unsure of what to tell them, I took a cautious approach. "I kind of had to."

"Is it because you're a slave?" Meneur asked. "I assumed you were free."

"That I am, and I am no longer a slave," I said proudly and with a huge smile plastered across my face.

It confused Harper, though. "What the fuck are you talking about? I still see you as a slave when I look at you."

And now I was confused too. She was a local. Didn't she know how things work around here? Yet before I could collect my thoughts, which seemed harder and harder with the alcohol poisoning, the guys stepped in and explained it to her.

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