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"So, what happened? " Sihye asked, hands on her chin while looking expectantly to her friend.

Minjoo raised her brow in a questioning manner. "What do you mean? "

Sihye rolled her eyes playfully to her friend. "Don't what do you mean me what do you mean me, missy. You know what I am talking about. " she says in a rather annoyed tone than a playful one.

Minjoo couldn't help but to chuckle. She shook her head lightly. "Fine." She says, giving in. "Actually, yeah I got accepted. "

Hearing what she says, Sihye suddenly clapped her hands causing Minjoo to jolt from her seat, startled.

"That's what I was saying! Congratulations, Minjoo! You deserve it! "

And just like that, Minjoo was being engulfed by a bone cracking hug by her best friend. She immediately tapped the other's back when she felt herself couldn't breathe.

Sihye laughed and let go. "So, when will you start working? I'm so excited to work with you! "

Minjoo shrugged her shoulders. She thought her friend already forgot how the agency she just applied, works.

Sihye graduated first despite them entering the college at the same time. It's because she stopped when she fell into a coma. And that explains why the girl was so excited for them to work together.

Besides, they took the same course so of course, it's given that they will enter the same job. Same agency.

"You're talking as if you're not aware about new employees having two months break before starting the actual work. " Minjoo spoke while faking a cough.

Sihye's eyes widened. "Oh right, totally forgot about that part. "

Actually, Minjoo find it weird. Like giving free two months after being accepted by the agency before you'll start working. Though the explanation behind it is in the email that was sent to her earlier today.

Tomorrow, there will be an orientation for the new employees, journalists to be exact, and Minjoo is sure the advance two months break will also be explained in the event tomorrow.

"How are going going to spend those months then? " Sihye asked, reaching for the stuffed toy to her right.

"I'm thinking of going to Busan. " Minjoo answered. "Why? "

Sihye raised her brow and gave the other a teasing smirk. "Oh really? You won't spend it here in your room fangirling to that certain love story? Who are them again? Jumwon and Jiyeon? "

Minjoo's smile faltered. Memories of the past started appearing in her mind, flashing like a big wave.

"Ahh, it's Jungwon, sorry my bad. " Sihye immediately corrected herself upon noticing the sudden change of mood of the other. She chuckled awkwardly.

"Sorry. " she immediately apologised.

Minjoo forced a smile, shaking her head lightly to her friend then spoke. "It's alright. "

Since that day when Minjoo woke up from that coma, Sihye immediately noticed something different from the other. No, it's not the depression her friend experienced after waking up. It's how the girl avoided any topic related to that certain love story she was admiring before that accident that leads her to a coma.

It's how Minjoo never mention them, their story. Especially the family of that leading girl her friend adored the most.

And this is the first time Sihye brought the topic to the surface after years of being buried.

"No, it's not. It's insensitive of me to suddenly bring that story up knowing that it might trigger you just because of my curiosity. "

"It didn't trigger me though, so it's alright. " Minjoo lied, faking a smile. "I swear, I'm not. "

Before, the reason why no one spoke about that history story in front of Minjoo was because it always trigger her. It's always the reason why she's having an episode.

Sihye didn't know what happened, why the story her friend adored and loved so much turned into her nightmare. It's confusing, but she'll just believe what the doctor had said.

That it's an effect of the accident.

And knowing that Minjoo was in the museum, visiting that portrait of those characters from the story written in history before she had an accident, it explains a lot why her brain suddenly made a turn and started hating that story. It's a coping mechanism for Minjoo, they all thought.

Not knowing what's really the reason behind those hatred.

"Sihye. " Minjoo broke the silence. She looked at her friend. "Do you believe that their story is real? "

"Hmm? "

Now, that is new. Minjoo never questioned their story so why asking now?

"Jiyeon and Jungwon's story, do you think it's real? Do you think what was written in the history, the one who our teachers taught and discussed about them, do you think it's real? That it is what really happened between them? "

That the Min family protected them and they lived happily far away from the judgemental society?

Sihye shrugged while looking at her friend with concerned eyes. "I don't know? I'm not really into history so I'm not sure.... But maybe, I guess? "

"Like you know, why would their story be written in history books if it didn't really happened, right? Besides, those writers who wrote it probably investigate it so I don't know. " She added.

If it's the old Minjoo, the one who is obsessed with Jiyeon and Jungwon's story in history books, then she would probably blabber and even throw a fit because of her friend's answer. She would probably argue with Sihye for doubting their story and for answering her with hesitation.

But now, it's different.

She's not the old Minjoo who is ready to fight anyone who will doubt their story. Because now, she's aware of what really happened, she knows their story. Their real story. And it's far from what written in those textbooks.

After a while, Sihye left her apartment, leaving Minjoo alone to prepare the things she'll take with her to Busan after the orientation tomorrow.

But just like before, Minjoo's mind filled with nothing but those memories. Those scenes, the feelings, the regrets. It hunts her to the core.

And since she was given a free two months, Minjoo decided to spend it by taking a break from the city. The city of Seoul who was once called Gyeongseong.

A place where they once exist.

So Minjoo hope that after these two months, she'll get better. She hope that when she comes back here in Seoul, she had already moved forward.

She hopes...



Ps. the pic in multimedia is Minjoo standing in front of Jungwon's portrait in the museum before.

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