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What he did is hard. Because making the right choice is hard. But it is worth it.

Because she is worth it.

After that moment, after that heartbreaking conversation, Jiyeon finally left. She did not just left his home but she left him. For good.

It is painful, he won't deny that. But just like what was mentioned, it is for the better.

Some things needs to be over, for you to start again. And it will be worth it.

Jungwon stayed in his room for a couple of hours, thinking, and sorting his feelings. He collected himself before he decided to start again.

With her.

Now, by just thinking of her makes him alright. Makes everything better.

A smile crept to his lips as he took a cold shower and put a comfortable outfit before he left his house.

Now that everything between him and Jiyeon is over, he will make it up to Minjoo. He will tell her everything and his side.

He will start a new chapter of his life with her. And he will start it now.

Jungwon dropped by a flowershop and bought a beautiful bouquet of pink tulips before going to Minjoo's address. He is excited yet he is nervous. And that is normal, right?

After pulling on the side, Jungwon made sure he looks presentable before he went out of his car with the bouquet in hand. He walked towards Minjoo's apartment door with a smile on his lips.

But soon his smile faltered upon seeing the door opened. And suddenly, he felt uneasy. He feel like something is wrong.

But he brushed that feeling aside. He knocked on the door multiple times while calling her name. When he gets no response, he decided to call her as he slowly made his way inside.

He roamed inside the apartment, finding the girl but to his dismay, he did not find her. And that added to his uneasiness.

Now, he does not want to think negative but something inside of him is telling him something is really wrong. And he hates it because what could go wrong?

Or maybe it's just the feeling of what happened earlier? Maybe it's the effect of ending things with Jiyeon.....

But no matter how Jungwon convince himself that it might have the reason why he has this uneasy feeling, something in him is telling him it is more than that.

And it was proven when Minjoo finally answered the call.

"Hello Minj- " His sentence was cut short when he heard the other person crying on the other line. "Minjoo? "

"M-my friend, w-why? M-minjoo was j-just okay b-b-but why?! "

And now that confused Jungwon. He is sure the one talking to the other line is not her Minjoo.

"Who is this? Where is Minjoo? " He asked while making his way out of Minjoo's apartment.

"S-seoul Hospi...h-hospital. "

Jungwon's breath hitched as he felt his heart dropped. His mind didn't process what the person on the line had said. But when he does, he already found himself driving in a full speed towards the place.

Seoul Hospital.

Jungwon is clueless. He is oblivious about anything but his heart is shrinking at every passing second. He is scared.

He did not know why but he is so scared. He kept on telling himself that Minjoo is okay, that maybe she's just in the hospital because shes accompanying someone...

He was hoping that was the case but when he told her name on the reception and a nurse started guiding him to somewhere, he knew that was not the case.

He is shaking but still, he is keeping a positive mind. So he smiled despite the intense heavy feeling, despite his heart shrinking...

Though his smile soon fades when the nurse guided him through the dark hall. They stopped in the front of a certain room in the corner. The nurse bowed to him and left him there, frozen from his spot.

He could here faint noises from the inside and Jungwon doesn't know what to expect now.

He knew this hospital, he had been here before and this isn't one of the rooms where they let their patients rest.....

He slowly opened the door and his eyes landed on the girl, sitting on the floor, crying. His eyes darted to the phone she is holding. She must be the one who answered his call through Minjoo's phone...

If so, then where is Minjoo?

Jungwon roamed his eyes inside the room, expecting to see her there. But he didn't as the only thing he saw is a bed covered with white fabric near the wall.

"Where is Minjoo? "He asked, his voice shaking because his mind is telling him something he doesn't want to believe.

Instead of answering him, the girl just shook her head as her cries gets louder. And that made him look at the only bed in the room.

S-she isn't there, right?

Jungwon slowly approached it while hoping that he is wrong. That what his mind is telling him is wrong.

Once he's next to it, he took the hem of the white fabric with his shaking hands and slowly lifted it. And there he saw it.

And there he saw her, lying on that white bed, lifeless.

No no no no. This can't be. It can't be!

No no no please, no!

By now, tears are streaming down to his cheeks as he stared at her lifeless body. He can't accept it. He doesn't want to accept it!

He refuse to accept!

Because.... because she was just fine last night. They shared laughs, they talked, they joke around yesterday and she can't....

"M-minjoo..." He whispered, hands touching her cheeks and that's when he broke down.

That's when it dawned to him. That's when he processed everything.

"No you can't, you can't be gone, love. Open your eyes please, I don't want this. Please! "

He fall onto his knees, as he cried. Hard.

It is breaking him. The sight is breaking him. The fact that she's gone is breaking him and he refuse to accept that.

He will not accept that.

Jungwon hugged her cold figure. He's full of regret. He didn't know what happened but he is blaming himself.

"I-i'm sorry. " He cried, hugging her figure tightly as if his life dependent on it. Because it does.

Just when he finally accepts his feelings, just as when he decided to make everything right......

I love you....

"Thank you but i already booked a cab. I'm sorry. Maybe next time?"

Minjoo's last words echoes inside his head. And that breaks him more...

If only I knew what will happen, then maybe I should've insisted....i should've told you what i feel...

Only if I knew.

And right there, Jungwon held her. He held his life in his arms as their moments replayed in his mind.

Their moments that he will carry until his last breath. Their moments that will live in his heart,




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