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Sihye did not want to go. She did not want to leave her friend alone in that cold closed four walls in the hospital. She did not want to leave Minjoo, sleeping on that bed. So she stayed for the night.

She stayed with her, be with her still unconscious friend with tubes attached to her body.

The sight was familiar. So so familiar because Minjoo was lying on that same bed few years ago. After that certain accident that leads her in coma. And now, she's lying there again, unconscious.

But this time, with a different reason. And Sihye does not know what reason is that. The only thing she knew was the thing the doctor had told her.

That her friend might have Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy....

But why?

How come?

Is Minjoo going through something she did not know? Is she experiencing something she is not aware of?

Her friend is so precious. And if she's going through something that leads her to this, then fuck, she doesn't know it. Any single of it.

The next morning, even though Sihye does not want to leave her friend as her parents are still abroad, probably doing everything they can so they could fly to Seoul as soon as possible. She doesn't want to leave Minjoo alone.

But she has to. Besides, she needs to let the agency know about Minjoo's state. And so she did.

With a heavy heart, she left the hospital but not after talking to her unconscious friend.

The doctors have informed her countless of times already that her cousin is fine, that she will regain her conscious today. They gave her the assurance that she badly needed.

So with that being said, she left the building and went to work.

Which she should not have. And that is her mistake.

Because the moment she's back in the hospital the afternoon after her work, she saw how the doctors and nurses ran on the hallway.

At first, she does not care because she's assured and she's in the hospital and the scene is normal as there must be a new patient in the ER. But then seeing them just walking passed by that room,  and entering a familiar room instead, that made her confused.

Until realization hits her.

"What happened?" She asked one of the nurses who gets out of the certain room. "This is my friend's room, what's happening? "

She tried to get inside but two nurses blocked her way. "We are sorry ma'am but you cannot enter the room for now. The doctors are trying their best to save the patient. "

Save the patient? What the fuck is happening?

Why do they have to save her life when she's alright, she's doing fine when I left?

"W-what's happening to my friend? " She asked, on the verge of breaking down. "Why do they need to save her when she was just fine this morning? You yourselves told me that, remember? "

"The patient suffers a cardiac arrest this afternoon but don't worry, we are trying our best to save the patient's life "

Now, Sihye wanted to blame everyone in the room. She knew they had nothing to do with her friend's condition but she couldn't help but to blame them.

For assuring her that her friend was fine and will be awake any moment today.

But now.....they will break that news to her?

Tears are now running on her cheeks as she leaned on the wall. She closed her eyes and prayed to whoever out there for her friend to be fine.

She kept on praying and praying, begging even for her friend to be okay. To be fine. So when the doctors started leaving the room, she was expecting.

She was expecting them to smile and tell her the good news. To assure her just like how they assured her this morning.

But what she received from them brought her to her knees, crying uncontrollably. Totally devastated.


"I'm sorry. " Jungwon spoke, eyes staring on the ground as he did not want to see her eyes.

He does not want to see the disappointment, the sadness behind those beautiful eyes that he once loved.

"I-it's..... It's alright. " Her voice is cracking and he knew she is breaking. But he needed to do this.

He needs to make everything right. Besides, Jiyeon does not deserve it.

"I-i know that y-you have lost your...." The girl paused as her voice cracked as a big lump on her troat made it hard for her to talk. But even so, she continued.  "Y-you've lost your love towards me. I-i'm aware of that. "

"I-i noticed it. I was just waiting for you to tell me. I was just waiting for this moment. "

To say Jungwon felt shit at the moment is understandable. He wanted to go to her and hug her, to tell her that everything will be alright. But he chose not to.

Because that will not solve a thing. That would not help her make any better. In fact, that will make everything more difficult.

"I'm so sorry. " He says, voice so gentle and low, it was so soft that it made the other finally break down.

And Jungwon couldn't do anything but to stare at her figure.

"I-it's alright, r-really. " She says despite the tears streaming down her face. "I-i'll be alright. "

"T-thank you for e-everything, my d-dearest. Y-you're the most beautiful moment of my life. I-i'm glad I-i met you in t-this lifetime. "

Despite the heavy feeling, despite his heart breaking in a certain way, he still forced a smile.

I'm glad too. But this is our fate. This will always be our fate.

We are just meant to meet, not destined.

And he accepted that. He already accepted that. Besides, that is their fate, right?

And no matter what they do, they cannot do anything about it. They can't do something because what is bound to happen, will happen.

Just like their fate.

It's year 2025, our story is different from the past. I loved you, I really did. And to be honest, I still do. But not in that same sense as before, Min Jiyeon. I'm sorry for loving you yet not choosing you in this lifetime, my once..... beloved.

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