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"Vote Han Yeonju for president, vote wisely! Vote Han Yeonju for president, vote wisely! Vote Han Yeonju for president, vote wisely!"

A fourteen year old boy watches the crowd moving from where he is standing, his eyes narrowing as he examines the small boards they are holding with a name of his father written on it.

He clicked his tongue, hands inside his pants as he leaned on the tree with his gaze not leaving the scene.

He could not be more prouder that his father is gaining some supports from the mass. He knows his father is a good man. Yes, he is strict at some point but he believes that his father can lead the country well.

"Han Yeonju for president on June 2185! Choose the right leader, choose Han Yeonju! "

"You know, if I were them I will go home and not waste my time endorsing him. "

A sudden voice interrupted the young boy's peace. And he couldn't help but to frown and look at the intruder. He saw a girl, about the same age as his, standing few feet away from him.

"If I were them, I will not vote him for president. " The girl added and began walking near him. She smiled and lifted her hand mid air. "Hi, I'm Kim Jiyeon by the way. You? "

Instead of shaking her hand, the young man averted his gaze ahead of them, totally ignoring her tiny hands. "Jungwon. " He simply answered. "Now go away, I already don't like you. "

"You don't like me because of my opinion? "

"No, I respect your opinion because that is what I was taught to be but that's just plainly rude. You didn't even considered keeping that to yourself. "

"Oh, really? I didn't know. " The girl replied. "I was always taught to say anything in my mind, good or not. I'm sorry if I offended you. "

The genuine look from the girl convinced the young man to just let it go. Maybe she was just taught to be like that.

She was taught wrong then.

"It's alright. Just keep your opinion to yourself next time, especially if it's negative. Or nonsense. " He said.

The girl smiled and nodded. "I will. "
she says. "By the way, you look cute. Especially your eyes. "

Hearing what the girl said, heat immediately rushes to the boy's cheek as it turned into a shade of pink. He immediately looked away, pursing his lips.

"W-whatever. " He stuttered causing the girl to giggle.

And right there, a new bond started and will soon blossomed into a beautiful and unbreakable one.

And right there, everything started. Their fate has began as they found each other for the nth time already.

But just like what happened to their past lives, their fate will not change. The cycle will continue. The things that is bound to happen will happen no matter what they do. It is inevitable as they are only destined to meet, not to be with each other. For eternity.

It's them against the world. It's them against their own fate. Yes, they are not destined for eternity but their love for each other is enough to last...




No, this is not a third book. And there will be no book 3. This is the epilogue. And just like what is written in here, Jiyeon and Jungwon's fate keeps on repeating. It is cycling. Because that is their fate.

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