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"Those are lies, aren't they? " He glanced at her then continued. "Those things did not really happen. "

Minjoo opened her mouth to say something but before she could even utter a single word, Jungwon continued speaking.

"Because I know it. " he says. "I always dreamed of them when I was young. I always thought it was nothing but a mere dream, a normal one despite having the feeling as if those scenes happened before. As if they were real. "

Now, that shocked Minjoo. So he has those visions before?

Now it's time to make everything right then.

After their stay in the museum, Minjoo suggests them to stroll in the park and have some bread on the way. Because she wanted to be with him before the day is over.

She wanted to be happy even for a short moment of time. She wanted to escape reality for the meantime.

For the last time.

Because after this, she will leave the picture. She will choose to sacrifice and let go. Because they deserve it.

But for now, she will enjoy being with the man.

And just like that, Jungwon agreed. They bought bread rolls and started strolling around the park. They watched the sunset on the bench as they share some random stories.

The feeling was awesome. Being with someone you love carelessly, having to share laughter and stories, random jokes and smiles.... Minjoo would not ask for more.

She's happy. Beyond happy because she let herself feel that way. At that moment.

But just like what everyone says, there's an end to everything. And Minjoo is aware of that as they are now sitting on a bench after a long walk around the park.

"You know, I dreamed of having a man like you. " She says, choosing to take this as a chance, as an opportunity to let out her feelings. Besides, this is the last, right? "So I was so glad when I have meet you. "

"I still do though. " She added. She glanced at him and saw him looking at her, so she smiled. "You're a gentleman, you know how to make someone else feel better with your words. You're kind and understanding. You're literally the man every woman has dreamed of. "

"Including me. " She added. "I'm human too, you know? I have feelings. I have emotions. And you being always there for me... I can catch feelings too, you know?" She forced a chuckle. "But it's alright, don't worry about it. "

Jungwon is looking at her, silently listening to her. Her eyes softens as it held thousand of words his mouth could not speak yet.

"Jiyeon..." Minjoo started, breaking the silence between them. "How much does she mean to you? "

"A lot. " Jungwon spoke in full honesty. "I would give up everything for her. "

That hurts. A lot.

It's like a dagger pierced through her heart. She bit her lip and nodded. "So you love her. "

It was not a question. It was a statement but Jungwon found himself wanting to answer her.

He hummed. "I loved—" his sentence was cut short when a phone ring interrupted him. He fished out his phone to look who's the caller.

And the name displayed on his screen didn't go unnoticed by Minjoo. And that shattered her. She doesn't know and she is not sure how much longer she could hold herself from breaking down.

So she stood up and faced him. Jungwon looked at her through his lashes, still not accepting the call.

"Go and talk to her. I'll get going now." She says. "Thank you for everything, Jungwon. "

"Do you want me to drive you home? "

Minjoo shook her head. "Thank you but i already booked a cab. I'm sorry. Maybe next time? "

The look on Jungwon's face makes her want to say yes but she stood her ground and chose not to. So when the man nodded, she immediately turn around and left the place.

It's alright, Minjoo. It's alright.

She keeps on telling to herself. And she's glad herself seems like listening to her because the ride from the park to her apartment was okay.

She felt fine.

Or that's what she thought because as soon as she stepped inside her place, everything suddenly became heavy. She suddenly felt suffocated by the intensity of her feelings, her emotions.

She screamed, hands clutching her chest as she felt her heart clenching real tight. The pain is no longer in emotional level. It is more than that.

And Minjoo doesn't know what to do. She fall on her knees, still clutching her chest as she screamed from the unbearable pain.

She couldn't breathe.

She began wailing, tears started coming out her eyes. She began banging the floor with her fist because of the intensity.

It's unbearable. The physical and emotional pain. The pain coming from the inside and out.

"Help!!!" She screamed, crying. "Somebody p-please help! "


Minjoo immediately grabbed her phone from her purse, unfocused. She's shaking and she felt dying from the intense pain. She doesn't know what is happening, why she is feeling this way.

"S-sihye! " She screamed in agony.

"Minjoo? What's happening? Where are you?! "

"Sihye please, help—" a sudden pang of pain on her chest interrupted her causing her to scream in agony once again.

"What the fuck is happening?! Where are you?! Minjoo! "

"A-ap....apart...ment...." She tried telling to her friend.

"Okay, stay there. Hang on, I'm on my way. "

And that was the last thing Minjoo heard before darkness consumed her entirely.

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