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"Jungwon. "

The man smiled as soon as Minjoo mumbled his name. He looked at the night sky then to her.

"Yeah, that's me. " He answered.

"You're here..." She says, barely audible but the man still caught it causing him to let out a chuckle.

A chuckle that sounded a sweet melody to her ears. His eyes forming into a crescent moon as he does so.

The image of the man was mesmerizing. And Minjoo couldn't help but to stare at his beauty.

"Yeah, I am. Actually, I wasn't supposed to come since I wasn't really feeling well— but don't worry, I'm fine now. " Jungwon immediately clarified when the other's eyes widened with worry.

"Are you sure? "

"Yeah, fortunately so don't worry. "

Minjoo nodded but still, she couldn't help but to feel worried for the other.

Maybe it's the reason why i didn't see him earlier...

"I'm glad to hear that then. " She spoke, leaning on the railing as she looked ahead of them.

"Hmm. " He hummed. "I thought you already went home. " He says, repeating what he says earlier, opening a new topic.

"Huh? " Confusion is well evident in her tone as she gave him a bewildered look. "Why would I? "

Indeed, why would she?

Because first, it's her job to be here. To document everything about the event. Second, she hadn't seen him so why would she leave without finishing the entire event?

Jungwon shrugged as he smiled. He brushed his hair with his fingers, pushing back the few strands that is falling on his forehead.

"Because the important part of the event is done? " He answered, sounding unsure and that made the other chuckle.

The latter shook her head. "I haven't interviewed your brother, silly. " She replied.

Jungwon let out an 'oh' sound as his lips formed to an 'o' shape.

Minjoo looked at him. She examined his side profile and she couldn't help but to be amazed by how perfect he is and how identical his appearance to the Jungwon she met and loved in the past.

From his fluffy yet styled locks, to his perfect forehead, thick brows, pointed nose and small lips.... It's perfect.

He's perfect.

Because he looks like him.

Because it's.....him. In this lifetime. Well, at least that's what she believes.

If Minjoo isn't aware of the time and if the man next to her isn't wearing a nice suit, then she would probably confuse him as the man from the past.

"I know I quite look good but is the staring necessary? "

Minjoo blinked her eyes multiple times and immediately avert her gaze to the darkness ahead of them. Her cheeks heating up as it turned to a light shade of pink from embarrassment.

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