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Humming in the busy street of the town, Minjoo walked down the side walk with her eyes observing everything around her. Especially the faces she encounters at the busy street.

It's been weeks already since that moment he saw him in that certain place. And since then, Minjoo never misses a day to wander around the town in hopes to see the man again.

To see Jungwon again.

Though all those days have been a total failure. Minjoo never saw, nor see a glimpse of the man again. And she's slowly losing hope.

She's starting to believe that maybe he didn't exist. That maybe the person that time who found her niece was just someone, a random guy perhaps, and not him. That maybe something's wrong with her brain and started imagining it's Jungwon.

And that is not possible since she just had a short episode that time.

Minjoo sat on the bench, her eyes staring on the ground. She sighed, forcing a smile as she slowly accepted it.

Maybe the only time their life crossed was in the year 1865. Maybe after that year, after that lifetime, their lives no longer crossed.

Maybe Jungwon existed before, maybe he was reincarnated before after the death of Jiyeon and died before she was born.

Minjoo bit the bottom of her lip from the thought. If that's the case, if Jungwon doesn't really exist in this lifetime, then fate is cruel.

The universe is so cruel.

Because why would the world let her witness their past lives knowing that it's traumatizing? Why would they let her be in Jiyeon's body and meet him knowing their story is all fucked up because of that fucking Min family?

Just why?

Minjoo looked up. She shut her eyes when the rays of sunshine hits her orbs.

She wanted to blame everyone. She wanted to blame those journalists, writers or whatever they are for writing things that weren't really happened. She wanted to curse those people who was blinded by money and let themselves be used by the Min Family.

Minjoo wanted to scream, but she didn't. She wanted to kick everything, to throw everything her eyes landed on. But she didn't.

Instead, she remained with her position and inhaled deeply.

It's okay, Minjoo. It's alright.

How ironic. She came to Busan to move on, but look what happened. Instead of her getting better, it just worsened.

With nightmares hunting her every night, with her mind doesn't have a break for making her miserable, for having an almost everyday episode....

I was getting better... I was doing alright...

A dry chuckle left her lips as tears started slipping from her closed lids. It started again. The heavy weights sitting on her shoulders became more prominent, the burning pain in her heart became intense and instead of doing something, Minjoo just let it happen.

She let herself be drowned with the overwhelming feeling. She let herself be drowned with pain.

Besides, it's what the universe wants, right? They wanted her to feel pain, to be miserable...

"My bones are safe
And my heart can rest
Knowing it belongs to you"

Minjoo's heart slowled down, her mind pushing those dark thoughts as the heavy weight on her shoulder lightened when a familiar song was heard from the background. She slowly opened her eyes, gaze landing on a girl who sat at the bench next to her.

That song, it was the song she sang for him. It was a song that held a memory of them...

Minjoo wanted to cry. No, not for pain or sadness but for the relief she had upon hearing the song. She wanted to cry for not hurting for the first time, for feeling something nice, something peaceful while remembering an important scene from the past.

She smiled, drying the tears on her cheeks. She rises to her feet and inhaled deeply.

Jungwon wouldn't like if I let myself suffer like this. He wouldn't like it if I let myself be a prison of the past....

He would not like it. So I need to be strong. For myself and for our memories.

If Jungwon doesn't really exist in this lifetime, then Minjoo would live with the ghost of him. With those wonderful memories she has with him.

From their past lives.

Besides, Jungwon would probably hate seeing her like this, hurting because of him. Because of the past.

So Minjoo will do anything in order to help herself. She will try her best to relive those memories while moving forward.

She'll do it for herself.

And for him.

Minjoo went to the cafe her grandmother and aunt owns. She helped them with anything, serving customer and mopping the shop. Washing the dishes and cleaning the windows.

How funny yet wonderful at the same time. Minjoo doesn't know but something in that song makes her at ease. Since the time she woke up from that coma, she didn't listen to that song, she avoided that song at all cost as she thought it will only trigger her since it held something important, a big part from their past lives....

But look at her now. That song just gave her energy, opened her eyes to not let the universe affect her. To try to move forward again.

"When will you go back to Seoul again? " Minjoo's aunt asked while wiping the counter.

Minjoo smiled, getting reminded of the date again. She gently pushed the chair back to its table before facing her aunt.

"The day after tomorrow, aunt. " she answered, picking an another chair and putting it back to its table.

"Are you sure? You don't want to stay for more days? "

Minjoo chuckled, slowly shaking her head. "You know I can't do that, aunt. My work will start on Monday and I need to go back on Sunday. "

The woman nodded. "It's alright, Min. But have you tell that to your grandma? "

Minjoo nodded hesitantly and smiled sheepishly. "I did last month? She probably forgot about it though"

"You should tell her later. "

She nodded. "I will. "

Minjoo hopes after she go back to Seoul, everything will go well. Everything will be alright.

And she wouldn't stop hoping to get better. Maybe she thought of giving up earlier but now, she wouldn't.

Because Jungwon wouldn't like it.

And she will try her best to not give up. To not let him down. To not let herself down.

To not let their memories down.

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