Chapter 1

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Mirabel was 10 years old when Antonio was born. She remembered that day like it was yesterday.

The thunder and lightning, the sleet, the hail. She stayed in her room, hiding under the covers. She hadn't actually seen Antonio until a week later, when he had officially moved to the nursery. Usually, the baby would stay with the mother, but Antonio was a bit of a whiner, which kept Pepa up and caused storms.

Mirabel was sleeping peacefully when Antonio let out small mewls of hunger in the dead of night. Tired and annoyed, Mirabel hopped out of bed yawning while putting her glasses on.

Her Tío Felix had told her that when he whines, give him his bottle. So, grabbing the bottle off of the dresser, she picked up the small newborn, cradling him gently and sitting in the the rocking chair.

She wasn't paying attention, and just automatically started feeding him. He quieted down, drinking the milk from the glass bottle.

Mirabel burped him, and he soon got more tired and sleepy. She looked down, a light scowl on her face. Antonio made a sound, causing Mirabel to frown more.

"Are you here to take my place?" She mumbled, poking his cheek.

Antonio didn't answer, he only grabbed her finger in his chubby baby hands. As Mirabel was about to pull away, Antonio did something he hadn't even done to his own mother or father yet.

He smiled.

At Mirabel. Her eyes widened, watching the baby fall into a quiet slumber.

'Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.' She thought as she rocked the small baby.


Bruno was hidden away. He was about to head to the kitchen when he heard the small cry of Antonio.

"Do I really need to do this? Mirabel is there...but she's been so tired this week and shes only 12..." Bruno shook his head and made his way towards the nursery.

Creeping in, Bruno saw the 2 year old, standing in his crib. He was whining while holding his hands up to his estranged Tío.

"Me?" He whispered in a soft voice. He picked up the toddler, who cuddled into his soft and somehow familiar ruana. He calmed down, slipping back into sleep.

Bruno smiled. He didn't see Antonio often, and even when he did he was asleep. It wasn't often he got to hold his youngest sobrino.

Kissing Antonio, he was about to put Antonio back into his bed when the little boy awoke slightly, whining.

"Mamí..." He said reaching out.

Bruno looked where his chubby hands was reaching and saw Mirabel.

"Mamí...Mamí" he whined a bit louder.

Bruno quickly put Antonio into Mirabel's bed. Instead of waking up, Mirabel stirred, feeling the new weight and warmth next to her. She hugged the toddler who happily, hugged back, smiling.

Bruno looked at the two when hit him like a bus.

"Oh, Mirabel, mí mariposa..." He whispered while walking out the door.

She was raising Antonio. This 12 year old, who should be living her childhood to the fullest, was raising her 2 year old primo.

It shouldn't have come to that, but it did.

He decided that he (and Casita) would help Mirabel when they could. She shouldn't have to raise Pepa's kid. He thought his hermana was better than this, but he was wrong.

"Buenos noches little ones." He whispered before heading back on his mission of getting more food.

Antonio had been with Mirabel as long as he could remember.

Even now, after his ceremony, Mirabel was around him more than his own mother, Pepa.

Antonio looked back at the years.

Since he was an infant, Mirabel had been there. She had fed him, bathed him, brushed his hair, helped him get dressed.

She had also taught him a lot. She was there for his first steps. His first word was "Mibel." She taught him his ABC's, how to count, read, write. Everything.

When he was little, he remembered he used to call Pepa "Mamá" but called Mirabel "Mamí." This lead to him spending more time around his actual parents, much to his unhappiness.

He also remembers a man, somehow familiar to him, but he never could place his name. He would only come at night, and he stopped coming when he turned 4. (Who he later learned after his ceremony that it was his lost Tío Bruno. The rats told him, a little after Mirabel found him.)

When he was nervous for the ceremony, it wasn't his papá who calmed him down. It was Mirabel. When it was time to walk the steps and he was scared, his mamá didn't offer her hand, but Mirabel took his.

Mirabel was the best why was she treated so badly?

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