Chapter 6

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When breakfast was finished, most of the family stayed in the dining room to discuss, amd Julieta took the 3 younger out.

"Alright niños. Casita has moved the crib into the nursery. I'll be back to help you in a second, just let me grab some things. You guys head on up." She explained before walking off.

"Ok mamá!" Mirabel smiled.

As Bruno, Mirabel and Antonio headed to the room, thoughts ran through their head.

Why had they come here?

Why was everyone so much older?

Are they going to be here forever?

Were they really going to love the?

By the time they were yanked out of their thoughts, they had come into the nursery. Casita waved a window blind at them.

"Hola Casita." Bruno said.

Looking around the room, they took in their surroundings.

Where the (apparently older) Mirabel slept, the bed was decorated with magenta sheets and there were pictures decorating the walls. Several hand sewn stuffed animals were there as well. On the desk next to the bed, there was a sewing machine with several fabrics strewn about, and, a peoject looked to be in the works.

Julieta mentioned the crib, and it was there; though it and the other 2 vancant beds weren't dressed in sheets.

As Mirabel looked at her side of the room, she felt a pang of hurt in her heart.

Had she still been in the nursery? Even after all these years?

She fell onto the bed, breath taken away. Bruno, already worried, rushed over and knelt in front of her. Antonio who was strapped on his back reached at her and tried grabbing her.

"Mirabel? W-what's the matter?" Bruno asked, worry laced in his voice.

"I'm...I'm still in the nursery...They never built me a room...they said they would, I thought..." She stopped her self, holding back quiet sobs.

"Mibel?" Antonio babbled quietly.

Bruno sighed, sliding Antonio to his front and sitting next to the 11 year old.

"They didn't make you a room out of the nursery...did they?" He asked.

"No..." Mirabel said into her hands.

Bruno didn't know what to do. He couldn't relate to her on that level. But he could try.

"I can't imagine what that's like...well...maybe. I had asked years ago if some of the villagers coykd help me build a closed off path to my bed so I wouldn't track sand everywhere." Bruno sighed. "But, it never happened."

Mirabel looked up at him. "Really?" She sniffed.

"Yup!" He bounced Antonio on his knee, causing the infant to giggle."I attempted it myself, but it didn't go over with with mamá."

"What did you do then?" Mirabel asked, head perked up.

"Nothing. I had given up. But that doesn't mean you should. We'll ask them to make you room, and they don't then I'll build it myself, with my own hands." Bruno huffed.

Mirabel giggled. She loved her tío, he was always so kind and helpful.

"Thank you." She smiled. Antonio clapped his hands and reached for her.

"Aweeee, did you wanna mske me feel better too?" She oicked him uo and spun him around. "Yes you did! You and Bruno helo me feel better!" She tapped his nose, causing him to giggle more.

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