Chapter 12

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Camilo woke up and immediately got dressed, throwing on his shirt and hurrying to button it up. He snatched his ruana off of his dresser, speeding downstairs to where breakfast was being served. He was, of course, the first one other than his tia Julieta who cooked, and Mirabel, who set the plates, as always.

He snatched an arepa from the table, Casita pushing him away with shutters as he chuckled in joy at his successful mission of grabbing a few arepas before breakfast actually started. As the family came downstairs, he grabbed his plate, piling arepas, rice, fruits and whatever other food he could get his hands on. Sitting in his chair, he listened absently to the conversations, occasionally joining in.

But his head was really in another place. Today, he was assigned to play around with Bruno, Mirabel and Antonio. Luisa, Agustín, and Fèlix were going to start working on Mirabel's room. Apparently, Casita had fully agreed with the idea of her getting a room. It had a door and rather large room, disguising as a storage room. Everyone except Bruno, Mirabel and Antonio was in on it, even their Abuela. Abuela had seen this as an opportunity to start mending her relationship with Mirabel and proceeded to help in deciding decorations while the others helped in building.

Camilo wasn't supposed to be particularly busy today, so he wondered what he could do. He was going to do pranks, but it may be a bit dangerous for Antonio, so he opted out of that. He could bring them to the lake! He and Mirabel used to go swimming all the time, and occasionally Antonio would join them (if Camilo found the time away from babysitting.) When they were younger, their Tio Bruno would come along as well, keeping an eye on them until they were old enough to go alone.

Camilo nodded to himself, they'd go to the lake! He hadn't been there in a while, it'd be nice to go after so long. Breakfast had finished up pretty quickly, and was pretty uneventful. The only thing that may have been of interest was when Luisa almost spilled the beans on what she, Agustín and Fèlix were doing while Camilo, Bruno, Mirabel and Antonio were gone.

Everyone was walking out when Camilo called the younger trio back.

"Hey, Bruno, Mirabel, Antonio!" He called, waving them over. The three turned and were met with the 15 year old.

"Hey primo," Mirabel shifted Antonio so he was resting on her hip. "What's up?"

"I'm taking you guys out," Camilo puffed his chest out. "We're going to the lake."

Mirabel's and Bruno's eyes lit up, both of them smiling wildly.

"Really? A-Are you sure?" Bruno said, perking up a bit. "You're not busy today are you?

Camilo waved off Bruno's concern. "No worries! Abuela said I could take the day off," Camilo smiled. "And I wanted to play with you guys! Besides, we haven't been to the lake in forever."

Antonio seemed to finally grasp what was going on and lit up just as Mirabel and Bruno did before. "Go play water?" He said, bouncing in Mirabel's hold.

Camilo laughed and pinched his brother's cheeks. Causing the infant to giggle. "Yup! We're gonna go out to swim hermano!" Antonio squealed and yelled out happily. "You guys put on your swim clothes. I'm gonna get dressed and grab some towels.

Bruno, Mirabel and Antonio went to the nursery, Bruno heading out a second later, swim trunks and tank top in hand and heading to the bathroom to change. Camilo quickly changed, swimming trunks and a short sleeve shirt, he wasn't too worried about getting his clothes wet.

The 4 met up in the courtyards. Mirabel had on a spare shirt and her swimming skirt, holding Antonio who was wearing a sleeveless onesie. Bruno had on a faded white tank top and some green shorts. Camilo grabbed Antonio while Mirabel put the towels into a bag and packed some of her mama's food.

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