Chapter 7

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Day came around quickly.

Mirabel got up early, seeing as Bruno and Antonio were still asleep, she quietly went out of the room. Casita clicked its tile as she made her way down the stairs.

"I'm just setting the table Casita, like I always do," she smiled. Grabbing the plates, she set them in order, leaving silverware as well.

Julieta walked in just as she was finishing up. "Mirabel? Mija, what are you doing up so early?"

"Ah, Buenos Dias mamá. I was just setting the table," Mirabel set the last plate down.

"You didn't have to-" Julieta stopped her self. She saw how Mirabel had sunk into herself. "I-I mean, gracias, I appreciate it. Would you like to help me with breakfast?"

Mirabel perked up happily. "Really?!" She squealed.

"Of course mija," Julieta smiled.

Mirabel jumped in excitement and bounced into the kitchen. Julieta followed slowly. As they were gathering ingredients, she thought about the whole situation.

Mirabel, Bruno AND Antonio were younger. And then there was her papá, Pedro.

Thinking to the past, she had come to find that she didn't have many memories with Mirabel as much as she had with Isabela or Luisa. Had she really failed to love her daughter properly? Did she really just...push her aside?

But, Julieta has always shown love to Mirabel right? She'd always told her how much she loved her, and how special she was, even without a gift. So what went wrong?

And then there was her brother Bruno. When they were younger, she would often find herself standing up for Bruno. The villagers would always get mad at him for his prophecies. And Julieta knew that she had made it well known she loved Bruno.

But then she realized something: While she had loved Bruno has much as possible and protected him from the village, she had never stood up to her mamá. She was always much to scared of Alma to do so. And because of that, the village continued to villanize him. Made him believe he was always at fault and that he was "bad luck".

Julieta's heart broke at the thought of her two family memebrs experiencing such...trauma. And while she had never been that close to Antonio, she saw how the boy would light up at the sight of Mirabel.

"Mamá?" Mirabel asked.

"U-Uh yes?" Julieta shook herself from her thoughts and looked at her youngest.

"The stove is done preheating," Mirabel pointed to the now hot stove, the fire burning underneath leaving a small and comfortable warmth in the room.

"Ah, gracias mi corazón," Julieta smiled, grabbig some of the sausages and placing them in the stove.

As they were cooking breakfast, Mirabel talked with her mother, and for the first time in years she felt loved. Truly loved.

The family began to trickle into the dining room when Mirabel and Julieta started bringing out the food.

Bruno had a now babbling Antonio, and was happily "talking" back to the 1 year old.

Julieta smiled at the sight. She had forgotten long ago just how doting her hermano was towards his sobrinas and sobrinos. How he would play along in their games and help them with their troubles. She had forgotten how much he truly loved his family.

After everyone got their food, Abuela spoke up.

"Alright. Today, everyone will be doing their regular chores. Julieta, you will take Bruno, Mirabel and Toñito, correct?" She looked at her eldest.

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