Chapter 11

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Mirabel woke up feeling...sick. Her head hurt and she was sweating like crazy. Everytime she moved, her body ached and her head pounded. Bruno walked over with Antonio, and seeing the girl in the condition she was in, he kneeled next to her bed, Antonio resting on his knee.

"Mirabel," he said softly. "Mirabel, are you ok? You look really sick." He put his hand on her head and felt that it was way too hot to be healthy. Mirabel shook her head no at his question, but stopped and grimaced when her head started hurting more.

Antonio whimpered lightly, reaching for her, only to be held back by Bruno. "Mi'ma sick?" he asked, looking at Bruno. He sighed and nodded yes.

"We're going to go downstairs and get Julieta, we'll be right back," Bruno said standing up. As he walked to the door, Antonio waved at the girl, to which she weakly smiled at.

"I'll get better soon Tonito, but for now you have to go play with Tio Bruno," she whispered in a raspy voice. Antonio nodded and hugged Bruno tightly. The two walked down the stairs and to the dining room where the rest of the family was waiting.

"Where's Mirabel?" Julieta asked as she put down the last platter of food.

Bruno put Antonio in his high chair and sighed. "She's still upstairs. And she's not looking too good, I think she might be sick," he said, handing the infant a plate.

"Sick? Oh, I got it. I'll bring her a plate and make some caldo," Julieta rushed to make her mija a plate, and quickly walked out of the room. The rest of the family made their plates, talking while waiting for Julieta to come back down.

Julieta knocked on the nursery door quietly, cracking it open. "Mija? Are you there?" she said softly, scanning the room for her daughter. She saw Mirabel laying in the bed sweating profusely. "Oh Mirabel," she sadly muttered, walking over to the bed. She sat on the end, plate in her lap. She set her hand on the blanket, earning Mirabel's attention.

"Mama?" Mirabel asked, her eyes still half closed.

"Hola, Mirabel. I heard you were sick and I brought some food. I know you don't feel good, but I need to try and eat some, just a little bit." Julieta took an arepa con queso and held it up to Mirabel. The girl took it and sat up slightly. She took a small bite, chewing slowly.

"Gracias mama, I don't mean to worry you," Mirabel said, taking another small bite.

"Oh, you have nothing to apologize for. Now, I'm going to head back downstairs, but I'll leave your plate here," Julieta set the plate down on the dresser. "You eat as much as you feel you can, but don't eat if you can't, you don't have to. I'll see you later mija." Julieta waved at Mirabel, who weakly waved back. Julieta finally went back downstairs to the dining room and took her seat at the table.

"So how is she?" Agustin asked his wife, who looked worried.

"She's sweating and is super warm. I'm going to make some caldo, but I won't be able to give it to her," Julieta sighed and put her cheek in her hand. "I have this big order that I have to cater to half way across town, I'll barely be able to care for her today."

Dolores looked up. She hadn't had anything planned today, so maybe she could stay and care for Mirabel, and maybe even get closer to her prima! She hated how distant she had gotten from Mirabel over the years. When they were younger, when Mirabel wasn't following her Tia Julieta or Tio Bruno around like a duckling, or playing with Camilo, she was reading picture books quietly with her, Mirabel whispering so she wouldn't irritate Dolores ears. Dolores smiled at that, she missed those days. Now she could return the favor.

"I'll stay and watch over her," Dolores piped up.

"Are you sure mija?" Pepa asked, leaning to look at her daughter. "You don't have to if you don't want to, one of us could do it."

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