Chapter 5

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As Julieta was cooking in the kitchen, the others had sat down.

While the others had sat down in their usual seats, Mirabel (who was still cradling Antonio) sat a little ways away.

Bruno had just walked back in the room and sat next Mirabel, holding a bottle filled with milk that he dug out of the storage closet earlier with Casita's help.

Pepa was just staring at Antonio, Felix by her side trying to calm her down but also trying to figure out his own emotions.

"So...You're Mamá. And I can tell you're Pepa, and Julieta is in the kitchen." Bruno said pointing to the mentioned.

"Yes." Abuela said.

"And these guys as my...nieces and nephew? I-I knew Antonio was my nephew and Mirabel was my niece, but for some reason, I can't seem to remember the rest of you all. I sort of recognize Agustin, since he was always coming by to be healed. Felix, I don't know him at all."

"That's strange." Felix said.

"Yup." Bruno said.

More awkward silence.

"Soooooo..." Bruno sighed. "Do you know why we're here?"

"Kind of? All we know is that we need to help you." Isabela explained.

"Help us how?" Mirabel perked up, still feeding Antonio.

"We need to...apologize." Alma started. She looked between the younger ones. "We all have come to realize that the 3 of you have been neglected, unloved and, ignored. And because of that, this happened." She looked up. "Can you forgive us, and let us make it up?"

Bruno and Mirabel exchanged glances. They knew that their family loved them. It might not be easy to forgive them, but they can try.

Mirabel smiled softly, and held up Antonio, who was awake and staring at her. "What do you think, Antoñito?"

Antonio giggled happily and began clapping.

Bruno sighed and looked back, giving a small smile as well. "Of course, that's what family does right?"

Alma breathed out a sigh and sat up proudly. She would make sure her son and grandchildren would be properly loved now and forever.

"Can someone help me carry the food out?" Julieta yelled from the kitchen

Bruno, out of instinct, ran into the kitchen, Luisa and Augustin frollowing behind.

As they brung food out, Julieta was talking to Bruno, who was still a bit confused, but none the less still loved talking to his sister.

When the food was sat down, Bruno took Antonio, strapping him to his back as he went to make himself a plate.

Until he realized his plate wasn't at the table.

"Hey um...Wh-where's my plate at?" He asked to no one in particular.

Everyone sans Mirabel and Antonio flinched. After Bruno had disappeared, Alma had hid his plate so no one would question it. But she never told anyone where it was and her memory had failed to tell her where it was. They all exchnaged glances.

"I know where it is!" Dolores piped up. She quickly left the room after setting her plate down. A few moments later, she came back in with a dusty glass plate.

Bruno grabbed it gently out of her hands, wiping the dust away.

"Why is it so dusty?" He blew away the rest, leaving it shiny in the sun.

"U-um..." Alma stuttered.

Mirabel walked up to Bruno and whispered in his ear for a second. When she backed away, Bruno looked at the family, tears starting to hit his eyes, and Mirabel had a deeo frown.

"Y-you..." He sniffled. "I didn't think you would..." He wiped his eyes. He wasn't gonna cry, not in front of Mirabel and Toñito.

He simply walked up to the table and piled some food onto his plate.

"Bruno, I didn't-" Alma tried to explain herself, but Bruno only put his hand up and mumbled a quiet, "It's fine," before walking back the table and seating himself between Mirabel and Luisa.

They were already off to a bad start to this fixing the past thing.

Casita rolled in an old wooden high chair, placing it next to Mirabel. She thanked the house while putting Antonio in and handing him an arepa to chew on. When she sat down, she placed a hand on Bruno's back, and gave him a smile.

"You ok?" She whispered.

"I will be," Bruno said, smiling back weakly.

Dolores gave a sad look, hearing their small conversation. She decided that she would speak to them after breakfast. For now, she would let them eat and gather their thoughts.

"So, where are we gonna sleep?" Mirabel asked, chewing on an empanada.

"Well, Bruno can sleep in his room, and we can bring out the crib from storage for Antonio." Agustin said.

"W-wait my room? Is it still covered in sand?" He winced at the thought of sand getting everyone. He hated waking up to sand everywhere.

"Yeah, I think so. Why?" Agustin asked.

"Then I'll just take the other nursery bed. I don't...Well, I don't really like my room. There's just sand everywhere and it gets on everything. And I don't wanna be too far from Mira and Toñito. I-If that's ok with you all." He knocked on the table, ending with a knock on his head.

"Of course that's ok! We'll even move the desk to the end of the beds so little Tonio is next to you guys." Abulea said, trying to lighten the mood.

Bruno smiled, hapoy that he can still watch over Mirabel and Antonio.

"I might be able to find some of Antonio's old baby clothes as well! We might have some in the wardrobe. Bruno, I think there are some of your old clothes too, but I'll have to check. As for Mirabel, some of your old clothes should be in the wardrobe as well, but if not, we'll search around." Dolores smiled.

"Alright! I can help you find them, if you want." Bruno perked up a bit.

"Well, now that that's settled. Time to eat. La Familia Madrigal!" Abuela exclaimed.

"La Familia Madrigal!" Everyone followed.

It might take a while, but they're getting there.

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