The Overnight Stay.

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Caspar's flat was spacious and homely. His roommate Alfie immediately came out of his room to greet Caspar. “Caspar you got more fan mail in the post today…” he started, as he looked up from the letters slowly, “woah woah woah, who’s this?” he questioned, clearly taken aback by your presence. You felt even more awkward now. “Alfie, this is ______, ______, this is Alfie.” Caspar chuckled. Alfie smiled warmly at you. “Erm, Caspar, I invited Jack and Finn round, they’ll be here any minute. Oh and Zoe’s coming in the morning, we’re going to hers to do a collab, is that a problem?” Alfie asked. Caspar smiled and looked at you, “Looks like you get to meet some of the others” he said casually, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to be at a YouTuber’s flat and meet more of his YouTube friends. “Yeah…” you replied quietly, still extremely shy.

Caspar took you to his room, where he got some bedding out for you. “ALFIE GET THE AIR BED OUT PLEASE?” he shouted as he rooted for a pillow case. When you both returned to the living room, Jack and Finn were just taking their coats off. Finn looked right at you and discreetly elbowed Jack, getting his attention. Caspar once again swooped in to dismiss the confusion. “Hi guys, this is my friend ______, she’s staying the night” Caspar smiled as he spoke, and Jack and Finn started giggling to themselves. They dragged Caspar to the kitchen, and you were left in Alfie’s company. He smiled at you as you walked over to help with the airbed. “So, ______ is it? How long have you known Caspar?” you thought for a bit, smiling at the ridiculous answer that was to follow. Your mind went back to the moment in the cupboard as you thought. “About an hour” you replied confidently. Alfie looked confused. “An hour? That’s it? Wow, I always knew Caspar was a flirt but 1 hour?” he stuttered, clearly baffled. “Oh no, it’s not like that,” you jumped in quickly to distinguish the idea, “I live a few miles from here, and he thought it best to stay here rather than taking the tube alone at night” you said, feeling as though you were making yourself sound incapable of doing anything alone.

As you helped Alfie inflate the airbed, you heard Jack and Finn in the kitchen discreetly teasing and congratulating Caspar on his ‘find’, all the while Caspar was trying to put the story straight but the twins weren’t having any of it. You pretended that you couldn’t hear, but even Alfie laughed quietly a few times. When you had finished putting the bedding on the air mattress, you joined the others in the kitchen, with Alfie confidently explaining his idea for the collab with Zoe tomorrow. “Oh shut up Alfie, she doesn’t care,” Caspar laughed “besides, I have some beer and a packet of UNO cards, seems like a great opportunity for a game?” he finished, looking at the others for an answer. Finn relied quickly “Sounds fun, I like UNO”. Before too long you were in the middle of the most hilarious game of UNO you had ever had. Jack kept forgetting to shout UNO, and when Alfie did it was more of a scream than a shout. Despite being wary about coming here, you were having a great time.

Eventually the beer ran out, and the game got old. Jack and Finn said there goodbye’s to you all, nudging and winking Caspar as they left, and Alfie soon turned in for the night. You and Caspar sat on the couch watching some TV, and despite being up and busy all day, you weren’t tired at all. Eventually Caspar turned to you. “That kiss, in the cupboard. Did it mean anything to you?” Caspar questioned, a glint in his eye. “I – I never really thought about it I guess, I don’t know. Why, did it mean anything to you?” you asked back, not having any idea about what response was about to follow. Caspar shrugged at you before turning back to face the TV. “It was a hell of a kiss” he said finally, breaking the awkward silence that had crept over. You nodded slowly, as if trying not to be caught agreeing. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Caspar smile a little. Caspar looked back at you, leaning on the back of the sofa. You turned to face him. For about a minute, you sat there staring into his beautiful blue eyes. Like a sudden reaction you both had at the same time, you smacked your lips together so quickly you wouldn’t have had time to move away even if you wanted to. Caspar Lee was kissing you for the second time today. And you loved it.

Meeting and Falling for Caspar Lee. (Caspar Lee Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now