Meeting Zoe.

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For the next two weeks you were to stay at Caspar and Alfie’s flat. You were scared it would feel awkward, but your uncomfortable feelings were soon dismissed. During your time there, you met Zoe, from YouTube. ‘zoella280390’ was a channel you subscribed to a long time ago, and you watched her videos a lot. You always had a feeling that you would get on if you ever met, but it had never crossed your mind that you might actually have the chance to meet her until Alfie was going on about doing a collab with her, the night you met Caspar in fact. It was because of Zoe and Caspar's collab that you were aware of Caspar's existence in the first place.

On the second day of your two week stay at the Caspar and Alfie hotel, you met Zoe as she came in to help Alfie edit the video they had shot just a few days before. She came in to the flat, all wrapped up in her scarf, which was several sizes too large. She dusted a few snowflakes from her hair after taking her hat off, the whole time giggling at Alfie's sarcastic remarks. As soon as you saw her, butterflies erupted in your stomach. This was a girl you had watched for a long time on your laptop, following her advice, agreeing with her taste, laughing at her bad jokes, and getting to know her personality from a screen. Now she was stood just a few metres away, in the flesh.

 Caspar followed your eyes to Zoe and chuckled slightly to himself. You quickly looked up at him, eyes wide. Your YouTube hero was in the same room as you. Caspar bent slightly and whispered in your ear, not taking his eyes from Zoe the whole time. “Why don’t you just go say hi?” he asked, knowing that’s all you wanted to do. Slowly you walked over to her, and she looked up at you, her smile as wide as it could be.  She had lovely glossy fuchsia pink lips, as Kate Moss lipstick you predicted – you knew how much she loved these and you were pretty sure you had that shade at home. Her eye liner was perfectly symmetrical and the eyes themselves were much bluer than they had ever appeared on the screen.

 “Hi! You must be ______” she beamed. You looked at Alfie, quite surprised that she knew your name, but you were pretty sure he had something to do with it. “Erm, yes, I am, wow, I’m guessing Alfie told you Caspar had a guest then’ you chuckled. She smiled at Caspar and winked subtly. “He did indeed, and what a beautiful guest too, nicely done Caspar” she giggled. You laughed and jumped in quickly to avoid any confusion. “Oh, no, it isn’t like that, Caspar’s just helping me hide from my ex/not ex-boyfriend because…you know it doesn’t really matter, it’s a long story…” you trailed off, looking at the floor to hide your embarrassment. She took her coat off and took you to the sofa. “I have time” she squeaked, “I want to know everything!” she spoke in such a reassuring tone. Alfie coughed slightly, and both of your heads turned to him. He was smiling warmly and spoke up, “Zoe, I’ll get started editing, take your time, I don’t want to interrupt…whatever is going to happen here” he gestured with his hands. Caspar nodded quickly, as if disturbing two girls conversation with one another was dangerous, “and…we need more bread so I’ll go to the shop to get some..?” Caspar half questioned.

You and Zoe were left alone in each other’s company, and you had soon told her the whole Ben situation, with as little tears as possible, and at the end she gave you a massive hug. “______, I think you have been so brave, but how did you meet him, and why on earth did you go out with him in the first place?!” you thought back to your first day in London, the day you met Ben. You took a deep breath, calmed down, and told your story.

 “Well, I had just got off the train, I used to live in Manchester, but I came to London to come to university and have better opportunities.  As I was saying, I had just got off the train. I walked outside the station, and Ben was hanging around with his friends Josh and Liam. I think they could tell I was new to London, and Liam came up to me to ask if I needed directions, he was Irish, so I was glad I wasn’t the only non-Londoner here. I was so happy that someone had actually offered to help me, I didn’t think anyone would. London doesn’t have the friendliest of reputations” you giggled, “anyway, Liam introduced me to Josh and Ben, and that day they went everywhere with me, showing me where my new flat was, my university, their flat, and just general sights to see in the capital. I had so much fun that day, me, Ben and Liam got on particularly well, Josh stayed quiet the whole time. I don’t think he was ever really…struck on me.” You looked down, wondering what you ever did to him. “Maybe it was my perfume?” you giggled. Zoe laughed with you before you carried on.

“Liam had to go back to Ireland the next day, and just a week after he left, Ben asked me out on a date. It all happened quite quickly after that, we started going out regularly, and I became his girlfriend within a month. He was never horrible to me, but in the last 3 months, he started to get…a little too big for his boots. He would shout at me, hit me, insult me, and constantly ridicule me. Josh didn’t say a word the whole time, but like I said, I don’t think he ever liked me. He just let Ben get on with it.”

Zoe looked at you, astonished. After a few seconds of silence, she collected herself enough to reply. “Well, I think this Ben guy was out of his mind for a start off, and Josh? You can’t trust him as far as you can throw him. And now Ben’s on your tail…it’s lucky that you’re off to South Africa in a week or so!” Zoe thought about what she had just said for a while, “wait, is he the reason why you’re going to South Africa? Wow. That’s a big move” Caspar walked back in slowly, your cheeks were still slightly tears stained, and Zoe turned to face him, before staring right back at you with her mouth wide open. “You’re going to South Africa with Caspar aren’t you?!?!?” she grinned, and winked. Before you could speak she was off again, “I have to go an help Alfie with this video, I’ll be out later.” And with that she was gone.

Caspar rushed over to you, seeing you had previously been crying, and sat down where Zoe had been sat seconds before. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern in his voice. You nodded slowly at him, and smiled. “Yes, I am, I was telling Zoe about Ben and, well…” you trailed off, but he nodded, understanding completely. He lowered his lips to yours and gave you a brief kiss. You heard a quick giggle, and looked up to see Alfie’s door shut properly, a pair of blue eyes disappearing behind it.

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