Moving Out.

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“What do you do to this place?” you asked, still in shock. Caspar looked at the floor with a slight smirk on his face. “We had a massive two day game of...hide and seek rugby” Alfie said ashamedly looking around. He tried to make it better with a smile, but you weren’t having it. Oh well, you wouldn’t have to clean it up, you were going to Alice’s flat soon. “Well, we’ve decided that ______ and I are going to stay at mine for the foreseeable future, and Liam and Josh will stay in ______’s. So you, boys, need to clear all this up, without our help. Think you can do that?” Alice said slyly. Liam smirked. He loved how strict Alice always was, in fact, when they were a couple, she was the one in charge.

“What? You can’t leave?” Caspar said, grabbing your waist and pulling you to him. “Caspar, I live about five minutes away, I think it’s a bit premature to be living together anyway, especially with your…pet” you said, poking your tongue out at Alfie with a wink. Caspar nodded and let you free from his grip. “So we’re going to get the rest of our stuff, go home and sort out living arrangements, while you tidy up.” You smiled, looking at Alice and Liam. You walked around the flat collecting your stuff, from the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom. Once you had everything, you waited by the door with Liam for Alice to hurry up.

Liam was quiet. He always was the shy type though, so you leaned up and kissed his cheek. He wrapped you in a big friendly hug in reply. “Alice, hurry up!” you shouted, before she emerged from Alfie’s bedroom. “I’m done,” she smiled, “are we ready?” she asked heading towards the door. “We’ll be back tomorrow, by which time, this place will be spotless” Alice warned, an evil glint in her eye.

You made your way out and got the tube back. You were still slightly wary of the ever impending fact that Ben could be waiting, but you had Alice and Liam with you, so he couldn’t do much. You gave Liam the key to your flat that you kept in your purse at all times. “Make yourself at home, just shove my stuff on the sofa and I’ll collect it later” you told him. Liam nodded and disappeared inside. You went into Alice’s and began to pack your stuff away, when all of a sudden your phone started ringing. “Hey Em!” you squealed down the phone. You hadn’t properly spoken to Em since South Africa, so it was nice of her to call. “Hey ______! How are you?” she replied, in almost the same tone as yours. “I’m fine, what’s new?” you asked with a smile.

“Okay, remember in South Africa, and I was on Skype to Dan, a lot?” she said. You could almost hear the excitement down the phone. “Yes…” you replied.

“He wants to meet me! I don’t know what I should do! Help!” Em squealed.

“Meet him, you idiot!” you shouted back.

“He wants to come round tonight, but my place is a tip”

“Em, if he can’t accept you for your messy habits, then ditch him.” You giggled.

“______, I’m serious, I’m not usually messy, but since coming back from South Africa, I’ve had a lot of meetings with my publisher so I haven’t had much time to myself.” She sighed.

“Okay, well, go to a restaurant, Em I have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow okay, I want to hear all the details.” You giggled. She hung up before saying another word. You guessed she nodded, she’d done that before.

You put your stuff away and settled down to watch TV. Liam joined you a few minutes later and you got some ice cream out for the three of you as you watched Sherlock. 

Meeting and Falling for Caspar Lee. (Caspar Lee Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now