Vol 2 Chapter 4: A Fight Between Saiyans

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No One's POV

Right now, in combat class, everyone is watching Pyrrha fight all of team CRDL at the same time. As the fight comes to an end, the lights come back on. All the while, Zuki was watching the fight with an excited look on his face.

Zuki: Even though she's just a human... She's so good at fighting! Ooh, I wanna fight her in the tournament so bad! No holding back!

Glynda then walked up to Pyrrha.

Glynda: Well done Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament.

Pyrrha: Thank you, professor.

Glynda then looked towards the other students in the stands.

Glynda: Alright, now I knw that's a tough act to follow but have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers?

Immediately, Zuki raised his hand.

Zuki: Oh! Me, me! I wanna fight!

Glynda: Eager as always aren't you, Mister Rose? Very well, let's find you an opponent.

Just then, another hand was raised.

Turles: Let me fight him.

Zuki turned around and narrowed his eyes at Turles, while Turles just smirked sinisterly.

Glynda: Turles, is it? Alright, now go and get ready.

(Mini Timeskip)

Zuki stands in the arena wearing his casual clothes. Shortly after, Turles walks into the arena wearing some kind of armor, though, Zuki recognized it immediately.

 Shortly after, Turles walks into the arena wearing some kind of armor, though, Zuki recognized it immediately

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Zuki: 'Saiyan armor... Not surprised that he has it.'

Glynda: Now, begin!

Zuki and Turles stared at each other as they circled each other as well. Just then, Turles started to speak up.

Turles: Well? Aren't you going to make the first move? I expected more from you Zuki. Maybe this planet has made you soft.

Zuki: As if. I don't know why you're here or why you're working with Arctic, but I'm gonna get those answers out of you. One way or another!

Zuki then flared his aura and charged at Turles and threw a punch. Turles blocked it and countered with a kick but Zuki backed away and fired a few Ki blasts, but Turles blocked those as well. Turles then fired his own Ki blasts, making Zuki dodge.

In the stands, Zuki's team watched as they fought.

Ruby: Is it just me or... are Zuki and this Turles guy kinda the same?

Yang: Nah, I see it too. Black hair, brown tails, energy manipulation, crazy strength. Which means...

Weiss: It means that Turles is also a Saiyan.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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