Prologue Pt 2: New Planet, New Family, New Life

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No One's POV

In the world of Remnant, specifically in Vale, things were peaceful. In a big log cabin in the forest, the Rose/ Xiao Long/Branwen family were just minding their own business. Ruby and Yang were running around playing with their dog, Zwei, Tai and Qrow were sitting on the couch watching TV, and Summer and Raven were talking to each other in the kitchen.

Thing were looking normal, until, they heard a loud crash near the forest that is near their house.

Summer: I wasn't the only one who heard that, right?

Qrow: What the hell was that?! 

Raven: Is it a Grimm?

Tai: No clue, but I think we should go check it out. Summer, Raven, you two stay here and protect the girls. Qrow and I will see where that sound came from.

Summer and Raven both nodded as Qrow and Tai walked out of the house and into the forest.

After a few minutes of walking, Qrow and Tai come a large crater.

Qrow: Well, no Grimm could've caused a crater of this size. This is unreal.

Tai: Yeah, tell me about it. Hey, I see something in the crater. Let's get a closer look.

Qrow: Better not regret this.

Qrow and Tai walked deeper into the crater and came across a white ball with a red glass window in the center.

Qrow and Tai walked deeper into the crater and came across a white ball with a red glass window in the center

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Tai: The hell is this?

Qrow: Beats me. Looks like something you'd see in outer space. Maybe this is where it was from.

Tai: Maybe...

Tai then looked through the red window and saw a kid with black hair who looked really beaten up.

Tai: Hey, Qrow, come look at this!

Qrow then looked through the red glass and saw what Tai saw.

Qrow: Holy crap, is that a kid?! He looks no older than Ruby and Yang. Quick! Let's get him out of there!

Tai: On it!

As soon as Qrow and Tai went to try and force the pod open, the pod suddenly opened by itself and showing the rest of the person inside.



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