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--Year: 2136--

When you are a child born with a purpose, it takes away the fun of things. From a young age, I knew that the only purpose I had in life was to simply help humanity migrate to a new world, a planet 6 years away from us.

 My mother never intended to place this burden on my shoulders, of course, but when she was granted a chance to explore the world her research had been based on, I couldn't blame her for taking that chance.

Mother knew she would have to take me with her, but with Earth's pollution and overpopulation, it was an easy decision to make. I still remember her explaining how their life force worked, and I was even fluent in their language due to all the books I had read in my boredom. With a daughter who could speak the language and was fully aware of the life of the Omaticaya, it would be beneficial to have me.

"Y/n, dear can I please talk to you?" I turned to see her looking at me with an expression that read several emotions.

 "Yes, Mom?"

"I have to ask you something, although unfortunately you won't have much choice..." I looked at her with confusion. "You know the people you read in my book, the Na'vi?"

I smiled, happy to talk about the topic again. "Yes! Do you have more facts about them?"

She laughed, happy to see my enthusiasm was a big as hers, if not bigger "Not exactly, but if you agree to what I tell you, you would be able to learn first hand."

At this point, I remembered 10 year old me zoning out, I was trying to piece the puzzle together on what she meant, but mother continued talking.

"If I told you that you could come with me to Pandora, live among the Na'vi, and escape our dying planet, would you?" Mom looked at me with a hopeful expression, but luckily for her, she wouldn't need to convince me of anything.

I jumped up from where I was in the room, smiled, and started picking at my nails "Really? There's a chance we can go? How long? Wait... How would we breathe?" Luckily, she cut my happy rambling short by putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Slow down, yes we can go there, but sweetie we would likely not return if possible... It takes 6 years to get there, we would be frozen and the plan is to remain there..." She smiled seeing my joy. "And regarding breathing... we are currently working towards creating Na'vi bodies called 'Avatars' to place our consciousness in and we can live among the people... Im going to open a school..."

I was giggling and looking at my mother with intrigue, she then seemed to work up the courage to speak. "Wha'ddya say, sweetie?"

"Of course! This sounds so fun! I hugged her tight and she let out a sigh of relief.

If this wasn't clear, little Y/n didn't exactly have much going for her on Earth. The kids her age were suffering from the climate and unfortunately, mortality was high for children. All I cared for were the books Mom would give me. The Na'vi language, botany, animals, culture all had become my fairy tales - except I knew they were real. Being able to go to the world I would pretend to play in was all little y/n would have wanted, and I would still say that's true now.

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚.

The speed that this plan was going at was almost nerve wracking, but luckily with the project needing Mother the most, they rushed to get me and Mom there as soon as possible. I had been told the plans - as much as a 10 year old needed to know at least - that they would take some DNA to make me a new avatar, I would be 'sleeping for a while' and once we got to Pandora and the facility, the training began.

Little me couldn't handle her excitement, to the point that when we were entering cryo-sleep, Mom had to come and read me something to make me calm down - of course a book in Na'vi. And after what felt like the best and worst sleep I had ever experienced, I was pulled out into zero gravity and assisted by doctors floating around me, six years later.

--Year: 2142--

"Hey, Y/n Augustine, how are you feeling?" I looked up with wonder.

 "Okay, a bit groggy." I would have said more if I didn't know from Mother to only say what was important to doctors.

"Open your locker, there should be a bag and we can take you to Dr Augustine, okay?" I smiled at him and he assisted me in floating around with a big duffle bag.

Once we got into the main part of the ship, Mother immediately grabbed me tight and held my hand, technically we hadn't seen each other in over 5 years, but of course it felt like I had slept maybe 12 hours total. We strapped in, and placed masks that helped us breathe on our face as we stepped outside.

The world was already big for a kid like me, but Pandora made me feel like a squirrel that had fallen into a tall jungle. Of course I was skipping around with excitement, but I kept close to my mother - since she still had my hand of course, I could only skip two steps away from her before she smiled and pulled me back.

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚.

The rest of my young life became a blur at that point. It started of course with the first time I saw my avatar, she was gigantic but beautiful, she had wavy hair that seemed medium length, a long tail other than the one by her lower back that I knew was the queue, her eyes despite being closed were large like mine. She was the same age as me, and would age with me too.

"Mom, she looks like me..." I smiled as I also glanced at her avatar, she was pretty too, just like mom.

"She looks amazing, honey, now... Let's get you training again, we want your link to go smoothly!" Back to her professional talk, but she still kept a maternal look in her eye.

Another moment that felt like a passage was the result of the training. The first time in my new body. The light shining in my eyes, the clicking in my ears that felt hypersensitive, and then the world focusing fully and the doctors above me.

"Y/n, how are you doing?" The doctors remove the light they had on my face, and I proceeded to look at my hands. Woah

The moment of realisation, I wasn't looking at her anymore, I am her now. I sat up and followed the procedures they needed me to, then I was guided by doctors to the outside space they had.

"Sweetheart, look at you!" I turned to see my mother, walking to me in casual clothing. "I knew you'd handle it all perfectly!" I smiled brightly at her, and she gave me a fruit to eat.

At that point, I knew it was time to train and start this project with my mother.

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚.

--Year: 2152--

The year where all hope had dwindled in me. Others had motivation and trust that we could undo our wrongs, but I had sat in the infirmary crying with a stoic emotion.

 The school my mother had set up in 2142 had been shot up - I suppose old human habits die hard - because of the young Omaticaya hunters who had blown up a bulldozer. They came to Mom in hopes she could protect and defend them. So many Na'vi died, Sylwanin, a dear friend of mine, was killed in the door way we would walk through every day to learn. Mom did a good job evacuating the kids, the majority were safe, but the casualties we had meant they would never come back.

I had forgotten how humanity was, it had been a decade mentally, 16 years physically since I had left Earth, and the way humans acted truly baffled me at times. Maturity normally teaches you valuable life lessons, but I just felt betrayed and disappointed in my own species.

After that, I felt that there was nothing to do, but as maturity teaches you, it can get better.

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