.* 16 *.

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✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚. Content warning: NSFW/Smut in this chapter ✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚.

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚.[a disclaimer will show before it starts]✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚.

I sat on the side of the bed, looking at him with a chuckle leaving my lips.

"What is it?"

"Do you mind if I get more comfortable?" I said, staring down at my clothes. Denim was most definitely not the most comfortable to sleep in, and I knew that with Jake, the sweater would get too warm.

"Go for it." He flashed a smirk at me, and I immediately regretted my question. Either way, I had began to pull off my sweater, A black vest that reached my belly button with a bra was all that showed underneath. I slowly unbuttoned my jeans, and rolling them to the side of the floor - nothing wrong with a 'floordrobe' every once in a while.

I crawled under the covers, the warmth of his body instantly making me snuggle closer to him. I could hear and feel his low chuckles, but at that point, I just wanted to go to sleep.

"Feeling better about transferring over? Or still worried."

"I'm not going to lie, I think it will always be something I will think about, but I know I want to do it." I looked up at him, his eyes looking down as I rested my chin on his chest.

"Well I'm glad you want to do it, would be awkward if my mate stayed human."

"Shut up." I giggled, making his hand come up to my chin, giving me a kiss on the lips, oh so delicate, yet I could tell he had been wanting to do it for a while. His had had crawled from my chin to the back of my neck.

[NSFW content starts now]

I could feel he wanted more, he simply wasn't going to stop any time soon, and I was quite happy with that. I had propped myself up on my arm, so I could let him lie down as I kissed him continuously. His other hand had moved from his side to my waist, his fingers tucking themselves underneath the hem of my vest. 

I could feel his stubble growing on his chin as I continued to pamper him with my affection. His smirk grew from underneath me, his hands trailing down to the hem of my underwear - a simple, black g-string for comfort. I could feel his fingers tugging at the string, letting me know with his own language that he wanted them off.

"A bit eager?" I whispered in my kiss, making him pull away and look at me intensely, his eyes large with pupils darker than I had ever seen them as humans.

"Can you blame me? I want to experience you, this you included." He had brought one of his hands to my face, the other had stayed holding onto my underwear. I had given him a kiss on the cheek, my face feeling a flush.

"Well I guess we can experience this before lose the opportunity." I whispered yet again, placing my hands gently at his upper jaw, my fingers running the tips into his hair, which had felt much different to his na'vi locks. It was nice.

He pushed up, forcing another kissing session, my instincts making me pull my leg over and straddle his hips as I kept my lips locked in his. I traced my finger tips along his skin and down to the bottom of his vest, hinting at him to take it off.

He didn't hesitate as he rushed to take the vest off, any longer and I would have thought he was going to rip it off. It was the first time I had been intimate with Jake like this, his human form also being pretty toned for an average guy. His muscles were defined with a softness to his stomach, his skin soft to the touch.

He was back to kissing me, pulling as my underwear, becoming more aggressive with his kisses the longer I continued to ignore he pleas. I pulled away, rolling my eyes at him.

"They don't have to come off you know."

"I think your'e just lazy." He brought both of his hands to either side of my underwear, his fingers wrapping themselves in the elastic

"And if I am?" I teased, thinking that I could prolong this some more for the sake of it. Oh what a mistake I had made.

He then proceeded to look down at my underwear, and with absolutely no hesitation, he tugged hard on either side of the strings, they snapped immediately and he pulled the torn fabric from underneath my body and chucked it on top of my rolled jeans. I had looked at him with a dropped jaw, a laugh leaving my throat as I stabbed my cheek with my tongue.

"Now I was not expecting that." I leaned in once again, placing gentle kisses on his lips.

"Good." He proceeded to rest his hands on my hip bones, letting the hand fall down to the front. I had felt his fingers tickle my skin as he slowly began to make his way to the top of my entrance, my swolen sweet spot pulsating and yearning for the touch.

His thumb began to gently caress it, using his first two fingers to dip in and feel the moisture. I let out a shaky breath, my kissing beginning to falter as the sensation sent a warmness inside me. He continued on with my sweet spot, not even uttering a word as he enjoyed simply kissing and touching me.

Eventually, I had began to feel ready and impatient, my hands lowering to his jogger shorts and pulling them down with his underwear. He rocked his head back, the sensation of my fingers gliding past his tool, throbbing with the blood flow, swelling up and eager. I let my fingers dip inside me, and slowly touched him, his breath shaking with sensitivity.

"Y/n, p-please..." His voice was whiny, stuttering from the desperation. To which I silently obliged to his whimpering.

I held him in place, and slowly let myself rest on top, his own length sliding in. I slolwy began to move up an down, rubbing my sweet spot on his skin. I let my head fall into the crook of his kneck as he supported his body with his elbows, his breaths sounding deep and raspy.

The more I moved, the more I felt myself pleasuring my swelled clit against his body, and I knew I had to hold back.

I stopped, kissing him gently against his neck, littering my tongue up to his jaw, then I dived into kissing him again, letting my kisses get slopping with my tongue creating a rush that caused Jake to grab my hips with his hand, and to pump me up and down. The pressure of friction on my clit was causing me to moan into the snogs. His grip on my his was growing stronger, feeling like he could leave the area red from the pressure.

"Y/n, I'm- I'm going to." He paused as I forced more intense pumps on him, resulting in him leaning his head into my neck as I lifted my body, letting him empty out onto my backside, splotches landing on my legs and his thighs too.

He lifted his head, looking at me with an exhausted glance, full of love and euphoria. His hands rested on my hips as I gave him a couple kisses to finish off the experience we shared.

"Y/n..." He panted out just as I was starting to stand up, needing to wrap myself in my sweater so I could grab something to wipe ourselves.


"I love you."

"I love you too, Jake" I pressed another kiss onto his forehead, and went to the other side of the room to look for tissue or a paper towel.

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