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--Year: 2154--

Two years after the attack on the school, Mother told me we were due some extra help on the program. Scientists would come join us in Avatar forms and help us gather scientific information through samples and exploration.

Mother told me to stay outside and to train on the obstacle course while she kept tabs on the linking process between the scientists. I kept myself occupied but it didn't mean I hadn't seen the Avatars before. I remembered one specifically.

This one, a male, had grown very muscular and had a more chiseled jaw than the others, while the others appeared as regular Na'vi in my eyes, something about this Avatar felt more individual. It was fascinating to see but it was cut short as I had to sneak back to my link.

I was swinging around on the ridiculously big monkey bars, when I saw someone barge out of the door from the lab and start running. An avatar that had gotten a bit too carried away. I initially kept my distance until I noticed another avatar running after him.

Well, I guess we are all chasing this guy.

Fairly quickly, the guy skids on the dirt and takes a deep breath in, I slowed down to see his face, it was the Avatar from the lab I saw, but now he was full of life and he seemed to very much enjoy it. I couldn't help but place a hand on his arm once I caught up.

"Hey, are you okay? You shouldn't be running so soon in a new body."

"Hey, Marine" I see Mom walking over with a cocky smile on her face, she seemed happier as a Na'vi than a human at times.


"Who'd you expect, numb-nuts?" I held in a giggle when I saw her face. "Think fast." she threw over the same fruit I tried for the first time. he took a bite and he laughed in disbelief, he hadn't even answered my question yet.

"Y/n, this is Jake Sully, he is one of the recruits to help us." Mom gestured to the guy I had no longer placed a hand on, he turned to me and his ears started to twitch.

"Hey, sorry for running... I've not been able to for a while." I nodded and looked at my mom who had nodded to have him come with us to the hut that the Avatars sleep.

"It's okay, I'm Y/n." I smile up at him, now that I had realised how tall he was for a Na'vi man as well. His pupils had become bigger while looking at me and I could tell he was listening intently. Still getting used to the motors of his vessel I suppose. "Come along, you deserve some clothes that cover your backside." he suddenly felt this sense of exposure and nodded, walking alongside me and behind my mother.

It was decided that only certain people were notified of me and my mom's blood relation, although I felt it was obvious I was her child, it was better to treat me like a regular participant than a special case of nepotism.

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚.

A day or two later, Mom, Jake, a pilot I knew as Trudy, Norm - the other avatar I saw chasing Jake - and a guy from the military team took off into the wilderness of Pandora, we would be getting samples and working out our bearings of the place. The moment we landed, I felt this mixture of intimidation and intrigue of what I would potentially come across. I had wandered a bit of the woodlands but nothing more than a minute away so I could always be safe, this was my first time experiencing it in full effect.

At some point, I had begun to stray a little from my mother and Norm, with only Jake also looking around in curiosity. Mom had told me about how Jake wasn't the original Avatar Driver that the research program had trained, it was actually his brother, Tom, who had unfortunately died right before he was supposed to be dispatched to us. Jake took his place due to him seemingly having no where else to go, his injury from the war left him wheelchair-bound and miserable. So all of this he was seeing, was all brand new, he had no knowledge of really anything on this planet - I wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't even know it existed.

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