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I woke up after feeling like I was knocked out to a space I had been kept before. The cell that was used to keep me separated from the others before the war started.

"Y/n..." I groggily looked up to my Mother holding me with a tear in her eye, but behind her was Jake and Norm, the four of us sharing this cell.

"Mom... I-I..." I began to cry, feeling like I was ten again. She pulled me into a hug while whispering to me.

"I know, I'm sorry we didn't tell you, I found out and was going to let you know, but you were pulled out the link, put in the cell while we were interrogated... They used you as a way to threaten us, kept you somewhere that we couldn't see you..." Mom had started stroking my hair, and I saw Norm looking at me, with a kindness in his eye that I needed to see.

"I forgive you, Mom..." I wiped my eyes, and forced myself to stand up.

"Where were you, Y/n?" Norm placed a hand on my arm, trying to make sure both of my bodies were okay, his eyes scanning for any physical injuries as well as likely checking for something like a stroke.

"I was with Neytiri, she was mourning her father... I can hope that they have taken me with them... "

"Y/n." I looked to Jake, who was staring at me with the same pleading eyes. "Let me explain everything to you..."

I stared for a second, pondering if I should really listen to what he would say, but after glancing at the cellmates, I had a feeling I should.


"Y/n, Quaritch was making me report to him my findings, and at the time, he promised me my legs... I agreed because I had no connection to anything here. But we were welcomed to the Omaticaya, I learned with you, survived with you. This planet brought out a happiness I never thought I would experience again... You know that. I'm so sorry for everything..."

I looked down, collecting my thoughts. I could feel in my heart how badly I wanted to just forgive him, but so much trust was broken, and I saw the outcome of his actions. It wasn't so simple.

"Jake, I can't forgive you now... you broke my trust... you are going to have to earn it back if you want my forgiveness." I rolled my eyes, but I could still see Jake's plead as he rolled closer to me

"I know, but I promise you, I will do whatever it takes to get that trust back." I slowly looked back at him, and the others watching the scene unfold. "Please."

"Okay, then you better hurry that up." I rubbed my hands on my face, and I didn't get a chance to think before hearing someone walk in the room outside the cell.

"Whats going on brother? Long time no see." I darted my eyes to the door, Trudy was strolling into the room with a trolly full of food for us.


"Personally I don't feel these tree-hugging traitors deserve steak." I felt my mouth drop, I knew that she came as a pilot, but this didn't feel like Trudy at all.

"They get steak? That's bullshit. Let me see that." I roll my eyes, but not before hearing metal clink.

"Yeah, you know what that is, get down." I moved my eyes back up to see Trudy pointing a gun directly at the guard, watching him lie down on the ground with his hands up.

"Trudy!" Norm gasped, rushing straight for the door.

"All~ the way down." And with a smack to the head, he immediately knocked out on the floor. She gave us a smirk before putting her gun away. "Max!" He rushes in, using his keycard to get us out, and we immediately race out, following Trudy.

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