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It had been a week or too, Jake was going to have his ceremony before mine to fully become one of the people. I could tell he was excited, he took more time to do the little things he usually wouldn't do in both his human body, and his na'vi vessel. His attention to details made watching him living his last days in two bodies bittersweet.

I had began to accept that the Jake I had first met was not going to exist, but he would fully become the man I had learned with, the one I had frankly fallen for first. I would be able to live with the Jake that was happy to wake up and be able to do whatever he could, knowing that being human would not limit him anymore.

It was strange, I was happy, seeing Jake do final tasks as a human. But letting go of anything that you are used to is hard. I was used to both sides of Jake, his Jekyll self living as a human snd acting in the ways that was expected of him, his Hyde being the true enjoyment of rebellion and his want to live how he chose - as Omaticaya.

The way he put his old clothes away, leaving them for Norm or Max to use. Maybe even that child that had been stranded, he would likely need some form of clothes at some point if he lived as human.

I had also been doing the same as him, but I had become disconnected to everything I had been doing, My ceremony would either take place directly after Jake, or perhaps the next day as to assure it was the perfect time.

"Jake." I had placed a hand on his shoulder, finally stopping myself from simply watching. He looked up at me, his face was relaxed, as if he wasn't going to leave this body forever.


"Are you ready? We need to go, Neyiri and Tsu'tey need both of your selves to rest at the Tree of Souls soon." I looked out the window, the view only just showing the tree on the horizon, I felt his hand rest on mine as he gave me a smile once I looked him in the eye.

"Yeah, I left a final log earlier too, maybe it would be good for the future generation to see." I felt my smile become more downturned. His hands rubbed against mine as I slowly pulled away to follow him out, oxygen masks placed on our faces as I followed him outside.

On cue, we saw two striking ikrans land to meet us. Neytiri hopped off of the new ikran she had bonded with since the sad passing of Seyzey. She had greeted us with a smile, her eyes twinkled with a softness.

"Oel ngati kameie, Neytiri, are we ready to go?" I smiled at her, I watched as her giant hand reached down to mine as she let me rest arm on hers - despite my arm almost fitting in her palm.

"Yes, Jake will fly with Ma Tsu'tey, he will keep you safe." She had turned to Jake, who was being lifted from his wheelchair and placed onto the front of the ikran like a child. I had let out a chuckle while watching Tsu'tey tower over his small body.

"I know it looks funny, whatever." Jake rolled his eyes, and Neytiri swooped me up into her arms, and placed me in a similar fashion. As humans, the ikran feel less like a pet, and more a horrifying dragon that could kill me easily - but that would be forgotten about soon. The marine's chuckles could be heard, with Tsu'tey even giving a smirk at the sight of me.

"Lets go."

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚.

We arrived, my body being the only human vessel in the entirety of the ceremony other than Jake's. I had been sitting with Mo'at, my oxygen mask was tightly fitted on my head, and starting to irritate my temples.

I looked at Jake's avatar, the body resting in a fetal position, his head looking to the stars above us. It was uncanny to see an empty body lying there, waiting for an inhabitant. But those thoughts were cut off when Neytiri walked through the chanting people, holding Jake's limp body, covered in vines and a mask like mine.

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