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I felt a hand pull me upwards, it was aggressive and tight on my arm. My eyes hadn't even began to focus yet as I was forced to my feet.

"Don't you dare hurt her, you hear me?!" I attempt to lift my head, struggling to see from the sudden pull from the link. "She has done nothing!"

I manage to get a clear mind when I see everyone in cuffs, Jake, Mom, and Norm. The soldiers had stormed in and began to cuff us tight. They must have see Jake attacking the camera's through, y'know, the cameras. I sigh, looking at the soldier holding me tight to his gun.

"What's happening?" I noticed Jake was unconscious in his wheelchair. "What did you do?!" I began to yell, fighting against the soldier who was close to breaking my wrist.

"Jake crossed a line, and you missy, seemed to cling awful tight to him before he broke those cameras." Quaritch had emerged from the soldiers, making me freeze. He knew that Jake cared about me, let alone Mom, and knew to keep me hostage to get what they wanted. I looked at Mom, who was furious at the colonel that was threatening me with his stare.

"That tree isn't just something you can dig up with no consequence, that tree is connected to the whole planet!" I began to yell, making the colonel chuckle with a frown.

"Like mother, like daughter... knock her out." I gasped, making Mom yell out, but my senses stopped as a thwack caused me to see black.

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚.

I opened my eyes, my head throbbing at the back where the soldier hit me hard. Shit, where am I now?

I was in a cell, a jail cell guarded with glass. I looked through to see a guard in the room, seemingly oblivious to whatever would have been happening. I was alone, Jake, Mom and Norm were nowhere in my line of vision.

"Norm? Mom, Jake?" I call out, but I heard no response.

"Kiddo, get up, now." I am scared half to death by Parker letting me out of the cell.

"What's happening?"

"You have one hour to get the natives out of that tree, to the links. NOW." Parker grabs me by the arm, making me confused but racing to the main lab that we used to link in.

We ran, him shoving me into the space where I noticed that Mom and Jake had only just gone in.

"You get them out, or else we gas them." Parker threatened to me, pulling the lid closed over my head and I was immediately sucked back into Home Tree without knowing what was happening, and if Jake's avatar was okay after I saw Tsu'tey threaten his limp body.

I woke up, Jake had sat up and noticed me moving.

"Y/n! Are you okay? Your'e in the link?" Jake panicked, holding me as Neytiri was sat next to me.

"Jake, c'mon we gotta get back down there." And I pulled his arm to go down to the communal ground that Jake fought in. "I don't know what's happening but you need to go." He begins to run to the bottom floor, Neytiri following close behind me.

"My father, my mother..." Neytiri greeted her parents, making them look to me and Jake.

"Eytukan, I have something to say." Jake started once again in na'vi, making the lump in my throat form.

"Listen!" I turned around, seeing Mom as she held me tight, anger in her eyes as she saw me worried.

"Speak, JakeSully." The clan leader blessed him with permission to speak, making Neytiri glance at me with concern.

"A great evil is upon us." Jake started, and I began to walk to Neytiri, holding her hand as I tried to calm my thoughts. I had no idea what was happening, and my heart was struggling to handle everything. I was used to the link, but getting a concussion after being pulled from a link was making me stressed.

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