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We were leading a wave of ikrans, covered in paint and a desperation to kill. We had flown to the hallelujah mountains geared up, ready to mount to the sides of the mountains. Jake was leading us all, the toruk's orange feeling symbolic like a flag for pandora.

I was flying behind him on 'Om, a bow in hand while Jake had a gun loaded at the ready. Our war paint was stark and bold, much more intimidating than the paint for his ceremony. Jake was covered in black and yellow striped, Neytiri in yellow and cyan, matching her ikran beautifully, Tsu'tey coated in black, white and yellow, showing a sunset of feathers in his garments. Mine was purple and black, matching my pet while matching Jake's paint choice.

We had an army on the ground, pa'li lined up ready to charge, that was where Norm was helping out - but I did worry for him.

The rest of us was planted on the side of the mountain, perched to overlook the sights of the ships the moment they flew into range. And it did not take long at all.

Immediately we were greeted  with a giant ship, followed by god knows how many mini helicopters or ships that Trudy owned, but bigger.

We knew that sooner or later, the pa'li team would be galloping to the humans on ground. And we would have to start the plan once their systems no longer worked in the area.

Jake had us leave the mountain side, and we flew to gather the rest of the army that were perched in the shadows. His chants and cheers had the na'vi one by one drop from the cliffs, and begin to soar down with us.

"Brother I'm going to punch a hole, your gonna follow me through." Jake spoke through the communicator, I look to Tsu'tey, who was already speaking back.

We began to dive, the toruk immediately grabbing onto a ship and swinging it around as if it were a simple ikran. I had my bow in hand, pure adrenaline keeping me as focused as I could be. I watched as Neytiri chanted with her bow aimed at the ready, and I copied her.

I aimed for the window of the ship, and as if the world had froze just in time, I yelled out, releasing the arrow out into the air. I almost didn't believe it when I saw the ship lose control and begin to fall down to the green below. Neytiri had taught me well.

I looked to see Tsu'tey and Neytiri were taking down ships together, as if they were prey. More and more ikran dropped onto ships with their riders, destroying the smaller ships in minutes. Jake was continuing to grab helicrafts with the toruk, and threw them into the mothership that would likely take much more effort to defeat.

The chaos was unbearable. I was copying Neytiri, unconsciously following her and shooting at the easier targets. Around us was fire, metal, and the smell of blood was already prevalent in the air. I would see flashes of blue as the people would fall from their ikrans, either being hit, or falling to their deaths. I kept a controlled breathing pace as I continued to fight.

"Jake, Jake, do you copy?!" I heard Norm yell out from the communicator. "We're falling back, we're getting hammered!" He yelled in despair, I felt my heart drop as the sounds of gunshots filled the background of his message.

"Copy, get out of there!" Jake responded, his voice frantic, yet focused. "Y/n, where are you?"

"Copy! I'm with Neytiri!" I yell back, but the gunshots had started to follow us as we rushed down towards the woodlands below

"Copy!" Jake yelled back, leaving me to focus on not getting shot, I could see Neytiri's panic in her wide eyes as she soared the skies in front of me, hoping we could lose the driver.

We continued lower, following the stream as we heard the smacks of water caused by the bullets, I had began to pant, putting all of my effort into keeping 'Om from getting hit, and myself from dying.

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