~.* More to Come? *.~

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Hey, if your'e reading this, it likely means you read through this entire fanfic. Thank you! I have no idea how this will do, I wrote all of these as drafts and I will upload this all in one go - I hate waiting for stories to update so I saved you the trouble!

I have never actually written a 'serious' fan fiction before, and this was something that I actually never thought I would complete, but here I am! (Many of these were written at 2/3am so apologies if it sometimes may of felt rushed)

I have completed what I would say as the first part of this story. I may write more if this story gains traction and those who read it want more~

Please leave any comments on if you want this story to continue or not, and you may even suggest your ideas haha!

- kscbewwie

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