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The journey to get an ikran was one of the few things I truly knew about, I only knew the things about them in a survival aspect, not in the case where I would be actually riding one.

The ride up on pa'li back tightly squeezed against the side of the cliff made me feel nervous, and I could tell Jake was skittish too.

We began to climb up to Oo'rah, and I could feel the fear was growing in my gut, but I was able to conceal my worry from everyone - well, everyone but Jake. He kept looking back at me when we would stop or pause in our climbing as if he was scared I would leave and return to Home Tree.

We reached the top of what felt like a beanstalk, and it seemed like a dead end. That was when Tsu'tey leaped onto a vine hanging down. That moment felt like a mini drop in my stomach, and I froze in my spot. Two more na'vi men leaped onto vines, and then Jake willingly leaped onto the nearest vine.

I looked at the men in front of me, feeling panic. I genuinely thought that heights wouldn't bother me after working with Neytiri, but not being able to see the ground through the fog made me feel like I would disappear.

"Y/n, don't let him beat you!" Tsu'tey had looked down and actually given me encouragement, but I think that was because I had my connections to my mom. Jake noticed and also looked down from the middle of his vine-climb.

"C'mon Y/n, you got this..." Jake looked at me with worry, but with a smile pulling at his lips. I looked to the pair who had urged me to jump, so I ended up shaking my head and waiting for the vine to get closer.

The moment it reached close enough, I leaped.

I held on tight for a moment, not believing I had caught the vine, but I opened my eyes when Jake cheered me on from above. I smiled big and rushed up to join the rest at the top of the cliff.

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*・゚.

After running over long branches, climbing up caves, we reached a high point next to a waterfall. I looked over, crouching to the ground, and saw what felt like an infinite amount of ikrans either nesting, flying, or perched on the side of the cliffs. Jake walked up behind me, resting his hands on my shoulder and shaking me lightly with an excited giggle.

"Holy shit..." I looked up at the marine, seeing him with a big smile, and I returned the gesture. I could see in his eyes he secretly was dreading it.

Our ears twitched from a call from somewhere, and before we knew it, we had jumped back to make space for Neytiri, and her ikran, Zeze. The teal wings flapped with a swoop that caused a gust of wind to almost knock me back, but Jake had held me in place.

Neytiri hops off, lifting her goggles to look at us, I notice her look down to my waist with a smirk, only for me to realise there was a hand rested there, barely grazing the surface. I rolled my eyes, and she greets Tsu'tey with a smile, he bows his head slowly, but quickly returns his attention to the rest of us.

"Jake Sully will go first." He has a smile plastered on his face, looking at the other na'vi who are waiting to join later on. I gulp, knowing that he obviously wanted to see Jake struggle, but I was just glad he didn't pick me.

He hands Tsu'tey his bow, and proceeds to go slowly behind the waterfall. Neytiri rests her hand on my shoulder, urging me to follow behind with her. I stand behind her, holding her arm for assurance and guidance.

While I was focusing on the wet moss that somehow made my feet grip better to the dripping cobble stone, and that was when the sounds of ikran became louder and clearer, along with the thumping of my heart, racing with adrenaline as the realisation was becoming stronger.

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