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Jake pulled me from my feet, my eyes still stained fresh from the tears I was pouring out to my mother, or what remained of her.

"With your permission, I will speak now..." I looked up at what was happening, and Jake was talking to Tsu'tey and Neytiri, whom of which had given me a saddened expression. Tsu'tey had looked at Jake, waiting for him to continue. "...You would honour me by translating."

His face had softened, granting Jake permission in a single nod, I looked at my mate, his hand resting on mine as he held it securely. His body was turned to the people, his stance was proud and mighty. Tsu'tey took a step beside him, Neytiri holding his arm as she waited to see what would occur.

"The Sky People have sent us a message..." The people had began to stare at us, and I was still swallowing the lump in my throat. Norm, who was silently grieving my mom was watching with a cold glance, his happy face was gone for the moment.

"That they can take whatever they want..." I looked again at the crowd, everyone listening to us with patience and curiosity. "And no one can stop them..."

"Well, we will send them a message..." I looked to Jake, watching as he glared with anger, his grief showing in fury just by the way he spoke. Neytiri had looked over to Jake, seemingly wondering what this message would be.

"You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you..." Now Tsu'tey had turned to Jake, a smirk appearing on his lips as he translated. "You tell the other clans to come." The people had begun to stand fully, coming closer to us as everyone began to hold themselves with confidence.

"Tell them that Toruk Macto calls to them!" Jake had began to grow louder, Tsu'tey following wit a full smile. People began to cheer and call out, making me smile at Jake as he commanded. "And you fly now, with me!" Jake had began to take a full leader role, my arm letting go to look at him fully, Neytiri beginning to call out small war cries.

"My brothers, sisters!" His voice began to growl, his eyes narrowing in anger, more people began to cheer, 'yip' and 'hoot'ing was echoing from around the tree. I looked to the crowd, my energy changing from misery, to angered motivation. "And we will show the Sky People that they cannot take whatever they want!" His tail had begun to smack around, his emotions growing larger with every word.

"And that this, this is our land!" Jake roared, the crowds were cheering even louder if that was even possible. Tsu'tey and Neytiri had cheered out, crying out calls to the people around them. Jake yelled out, his arm punching the air, and I finally let out a cheer, the crowds all punching the air as they called out to us. My frown was no a smile, a smile of pride and revenge.

Jake held my hand once again, and we began to run to mount his toruk that had began to fly down, it's size still mighty as it obeyed Jake's command. He mounted it, and pulled me behind him, his hold gentle while he gripped onto the toruk like they were chains.

The toruk reared onto its back legs, screeching to the people before us. The clan had begun cheering and rushing to their ikrans and pa'lis. Despite trying to take in the sights of people rushing off, Jake had taken off of the ground, making me rest a hand on his waist to keep me on the back of the beast.

In the distance, I could hear Neytiri's calls from Zeze, my head resting on Jake's shoulder as I watched the people below rush around, preparing for war.

"Jake..." I muttered out, his head turning slightly to look at me.


"Thank you..."

"For what? This is the bare minimum of what I should do." He looked back to the horizon the ikrans cheering behind us.

"No, thank you for earning my trust back... I love you..." I whispered at the end, my eyes relaxing as I rested my chin on his shoulder, I felt his ears twitch and he chuckled.

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