Chapter 29

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   "What r u doing.?" I asked, as I slowly opened  my eyes to see DJ carrying me. He looked at me then looked away.
   "Shh, go back to sleep." DJ said, I closed my eyes. I heard the door open then I opened my eyes and looked up at him, as he slowly laid me down. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep.

   That next morning

   "Wake up." DJ said, opening the door. I opened my eyes and looked ovet at him. He looked at me then looked away. "I have a busy day today, so I need u to just follow direction."

     Takeoff P.O.V

    I sat on the couch thinking about Chrissy. I have no idea where she could be. I haven't slept in two days, I stayed up all night thinking and shit. I don't who would do something this crazy.
    "Hey Takeoff. Where u up all night.?" Tonice asked, coming downstairs with Offset and Quavo behind her. I shook my head yes.

  "U need sleep." Quavo said, sitting next to me. "We been looking for her, for a couple days.".

   "I don't care, I'm not stopping until I find her." I said, standing up. Looking at Offset then Quavo.

    "Who u think did it.?" Offset asked, looking up at me.

   "I don't know. Kacey um Wade probably." I said, sitting back down on the couch.

   "Holy shit, Wade." Tonice said, looking over at me. "Wade did it."

  "How u know.?" I asked, looking at her then my hands.

   "I don't know, I just have this feeling he did it." Tonice said, "We have to go get her."
   "Ya, one problem. We don't know where he be at." Offset said, as Tonice stood up and looked at us.

   "Goddamn. Guys there's someone who know where he might be." Tonice said, walking around the living room.

   "Ight, hold on." I said, going upstairs. U went to my room brushed my teeth and changed my clothes.

   "U ready.?" Quavo asked, as I looked at everyone, I shook my head. I looked at them one last time, then we went to the car.

    "I just noticed that we're all matching." Tonice said, smiling a little. "All black."

   "True." Offset said. After a while we pulled up to a building with a group of nigga stood chilling, smoking blunts.

   "Umm excuse me. Do y'all Wade.?" Tonice asked, sticking her head out the window.

    "Ya, I used to work for that fool. Why, wassup.?" A dude said, with dreads, lips ring wearing white and black.

   "He took my girlfriend." I said, letting down the window. Dude shook his head then gave us directions.

   Chrissy P.O.V

  "Why do u do this.?" I asked DJ, as I slowly got out of bed.

   "Look Chrissy. There's reasons." DJ said, not looking at me.

    "Talk to me, please." I said, wanting to know, more about him.

   "Reasons, dammit. Stop asking me fucking questions." DJ yelled, walking toward me, putting his hand around me neck and squeezed. I closed my eyes, as I began to cry. He let me go and back up, slowly.

    "I've never met a guy, as mean as u." I said, sliding in the corner. Putting my head in my hands. I looked up, he walked out and closed the door behind.

   "She does not come out." I heard DJ say, then I heard footsteps down the hall. I cried harder, as I began to think that, Takeoff was never gonna come and get me.

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