Chapter 51- The End of a old Chapter, but The beginning of a new Life

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  So before I start this chapter, I just wanna say that I'm pissed off, because this is gonna be my second time writing this long ass chapter. Uggghhhh ok, well. That's,enough about my short tempered ass, on with the story.

    "Takeoff this is beautiful." I said, looking up at him, as we got off the plane.

   "Its alright, this is Quavo's wedding gift to us. I was gonna take u to Paris." Takeoff said, smiling down at me, as a green Jeep pulled up.

   "I hate u sometimes." I said, laughing, as he helped me in. He smiled at me, leaned in and placed a kissed on my lips.

   "But u love me all the times." Takeoff said, looking over at me. I rolled my eyes, looked at the window and laughed. I then looked at him, leaned toward him and placed my head on his shoulder. After a while, we pulled up to a bueaitful hotel. As we walked in people stayed their distance, but watched us.

   "Names.?" The lady behind the desk asked, I looked up at Takeoff and he smiled.

   "Oh I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Ball. Here is ur room key. I hope u have a nice stay in our hotel." She said, handing us the keys.

  "Thank u." We said, in unison. We looked at each other and went to our room. Takeoff unlocked the door, looked at me then waited.

    "Husband, please.?" I asked, looking over at him, he smiled and opened the door.

   "Wow, this is amazing." Takeoff said, walking in. I walked in behind him, I walked around the hotel, it was big and bueaitful, I had no words for how amazing it looked. I walked in the bedroom, I looked at the bed and sat down, slowly.

  "How r u feeling.?" Takeoff asked, sitting next to me, looking at me.

   "This is beautiful." I said, looking over at him, he smiled, pulled me into his lap and kissed my neck. I slowly began to grind on him, he took my shirt off and unhook my bra. "Kirshnik, no stop."

   "Ight. Get dressed, we going to the beach." Takeoff said, taking his clothes out. He got in the shower, I walked in the bathroom and looked at Takeoff.

   "Omg, its a shower and a fucking bathtub. I'm bout to take this bath tho." I said, running the water, Takeoff laughed at me then got out. After I got out, I went to my suitcases and took out a outfit. "Takeoff, where r u chains.?"

  "I gave them to Quavo and Offset, so they can watch them. Baby, u finna wear that.?" Takeoff asked, pointing at my outfit. I shook my head and smiled.

  "I hope u don't think, I'm bout to get in some damn water." I said, raising my eyebrow. He shook his head and smiled at me. We walked out our room and went to the beach. "Its so clean and beautiful."

   "I know right." Takeoff said, I reached for his hand and grabbed it. He took my hand and lightly squeezed it. I looked up at him, as he pulled me in and kissed my forehead then my lips. I pushed him away and ran down the beach. I looked back, as he caught up to me. Takeoff wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in, as we fell in the sand.

   "I love u." I said, climbing up onto his chest, he looked down at me and smiled.

   "I love u too, babe." Takeoff said, putting his right arm on my ass, I smiled, as the started to go down, slowly. After dark, we got up and headed home. Takeoff went in the room and started to take out our clothes. I took my clothes off, got in the shower, when I got out, Takeoff was laying in the bed, looking at me. I walked over toward him and laid on his chest. He slid from under me, he snatched my clothes off, kissed my neck. Takeoff got up, took his boxer off and got between my legs. I looked up at him, he smiled, leaned over and dim the lights.
   "Baby, I wanna make love to u." Takeoff said, I shook my head yes, he smiled, leaned in and kissed my forehead. He slowly slid his manhood in me, I closed my eyes and relaxed. He kissed my neck and slowly grinded inside of me. I opened my eyes, he kissed my lips and thrusted a little faster. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he went faster, I moaned into his neck, he went faster and faster. I let out a scream in pressure. After a hour, Takeoff cummed inside of me, I cummed afterwards. He got off me and laid down, I laid on his chest and slowly fell asleep.

   That next morning, I woke up an my stomach hurt. I ran into the bathroom and throw up.

   "Takeoff, help me." I yelled, I heard him, fall off the bed, get up and ran into the bathroom.

    "What's wrong.?" He asked, looking over at me. He walked over toward me and rubbed my back.

   "I'm throwing up, Takeoff." I answered, he stood up and walked out the bathroom. When he came back, he had a pregnancy test.

  "Wait, nigga. Did u plan this.?" I asked, looking up at him, taking the test from him.

   "No, but Tonice gave it to me." Takeoff said, I waved him out and took the test. After about five minutes, I looked at it, I walked out the bathroom and looked at Takeoff.

    "What.?" He asked, standing up, walking over toward me.

   "I'm pregnant." I said, looking up into his eyes, he pulled away and smiled. I walked over to the bed and sat down. I closed my eyes, and fell back onto the bed. I'm a wife and now, Ima be a mommy. I smiled to myself, as a tear fell down my cheek. I opened my eyes, I stood up and hugged Takeoff. "I love u."

   "I love u too." Takeoff said, looking into my eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. Now, that I'm married to the man I love, now I'm gonna have my dream family.

   While y'all, that's it. I hoped y'all liked it. I will probably be writing book 3, soon maybe. Thank y'all for the reads and votes.







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